JuliaPythonAdaptor 0.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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JuliaPythonAdaptor 0.3.0

JuliaPythonAdaptor is a small Julia/Python package that helps you to create relocatable applications integrated with Julia and Python together.
The Julia programs using JuliaPythonAdaptor can be compiled by PackageCompiler into sysimages or executables that will work on another machine, if binary-compatible.
Note that your Python binaries are NOT bundled in the compiled julia files. You should also provide a proper Python environment for the target machines.
At the current stage, a Julia programmer suffers from the following tasks:

Setting up a Python environment to work with Julia.

Reusing an existing Python/Julia environment from another language.

Distributing compiled Julia binaries that interoperate with Python packages.

This project aims at providing a user-friendly approach to address all above issues.
Target Uses

Software Integration
If you want to make software that bundle Julia and Python together and make a separated environment, you might consider using this package or refer to the implementation.

Simple Python-Julia Interoperability
If your activating environment contains julia and python, you don't need to consider details.


Install a julia (>= 1.6.1) distribution. Add it to $PATH if you want to avoid manual configurations.

Install a Python (3.7+) distribution. Add it to $PATH if you want to avoid manual configurations.

For the Python distribution: pip install https://github.com/thautwarm/JuliaPythonAdaptor.jl or pip install JuliaPythonAdaptor
For the Julia distribution: julia -e "using Pkg; Pkg.add(\"JSON\", \"JuliaPythonAdaptor\")"

For relocatability, you might add the following environment variables:

Environment Variable
Default Value

the Python executable path
python found in $PATH

the Julia executable path
julia found in $PATH

the Julia project that will be activated
the global Julia project

the Julia Sysimage that will be used
decided by the julia program

decided by the julia program

Then, if you call Python from Julia, import JuliaPythonAdaptor before you import PythonCall. If you call Julia from Python, import JuliaPythonAdaptor before you import juliacall.
I use PyCall, how to use this package?
PyCall is a great package for Julia to call Python, but it so far does not consider much about relocatability and environment separation.
Please refer to these detailed instructions from PyCall to PythonCall. They will help you with migrating your codebase.
PRs and issues are welcome.
Besides, this project leverages the mechanism provided by PythonCall.jl, CondaPkg.jl, MicroMamba.jl and pyjuliapkg. You might also consider contributing to them.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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