jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote 0.1.4

Creator: rpa-with-ash

Last updated:

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jupyternbdoublequotetosinglequote 0.1.4

Convert double quotes ("") to single quotes ('') in Jupyter notebook code cells
pip install jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote

As a command line tool
jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote my_notebook.ipynb

Use --help to see documentations of command line arguments.
As a pre-commit hook
Put the following into your .pre-commit-config.yaml file. Remember to replace <VERSION> with your version of this tool (such as v0.1.0):
- repo: https://github.com/cyyc1/jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote
rev: <VERSION>
- id: jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote

See pre-commit for more instructions.
The license of this tool is MIT License. See the file LICENSE
A significant portion of the code used in this tool comes from https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks, in particular, the file string_fixer.py. As such, we added pre-commit-hooks' license as the original license (see the file ORIGINAL_LICENSE).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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