jw.lognotify 0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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jw.lognotify 0.3

This is yet another real-time log scanner done for the ever reoccurring reason of failure to find an existing suitable


simple, yet flexible configuration in the YAML format
actions programmable in Python, Tcl or Bash
log rotation detection
variable leading log context for every event
burst mode: collect events within a certain time frame and report them together

Lognotify reads a configuration file specified on the command line with the --config or -c option. The
configuration specifies what content to search for and what to do if some is found in the log.

Consider this example:
- error
- problem
- critical
- fatal
- bad
- not
- ^perl
- ^/pascal/i
python: |
if logfile:
print(logfile, messages[-1][-1])
burst: 2
- strange
do: |
echo $logfile: ${message[-1]}
A configuration can have one ore more sections, denoted by a --- delimiting line. Each section specifies what to
look for and what to do if something interesting is found.

Each section consists of a when clause and a do clause. For every line from a logfile, all sections are checked for
matching search expressions in the when clause. When a match is found for a section, the corresponding do clause
is executed.

When clause
The when clause contains an itemized list of expressions to searche for in every incoming line from the log.
Variations in syntax specify how to search for the item. The expressions are tried in order. As soon as a match is
found, the do clause is executed and processing of this particular section is terminated.
The when list forms an OR-expression. Within the list, sublists may specify AND-expressions. Thus
- expr1
- expr2a
- expr2b
expr1 OR (expr2a AND expr2b)
Groups can be infinitely nested. The general rule is that every group within an OR group is an AND group and vice

Search expressions
A search expression can have one of the following forms:

Search for word irrespective of case and match only at word boundaries. Thus error matches in the following

Error: invalid syntax
An error occurred.
No error-checking enabled.

but not in:

No errorchecking.

If you want to match irrespective of word boundaries, you have to use regular expressions (see below).

Search for a regular expression. Some flags for altering the
operation are available:

match case insensitive. See IGNORECASE.

match in multi-line mode. Probably not very useful. See

match according to the current locale. See

make ‘.’ match any character, including newline. See

match according to the Unicode character properties table. See

parse verbose regex with comments and white space. See

All these expressions can be prefixed with a caret (^) to mean “do not match word”:

Since the whole configuration is expressed in YAML, strings containing certain characters must be quoted in order
not to interfere with the YAML syntax. These characters are: [ ] { } ! " ' : ? % @ , - # ~ | > * &. Also,
certain words have special meaning in YAML and must therefore also be quoted: yes, no, on, off,
true, false, and null.

The search algorithm gives rise to surprises in certain constellations. One common error is to request something
like this:
- not
- ^this
- not
- ^that
where ^this and ^that cancel each other out. If a line contains ‘not’ it will always match, no matter whether this
or that occurs in the line. The proper way would be
- not
- ^this
- ^that
The most common pattern is to search for any line containing word1, word2 or word3 but not except1 or except2.
You might be inclined to write this as
- word1
- word2
- word3
- ^except1
- ^except2
But this would not work. The way to do it goes along the follong lines: written as a logical expression, it would be
(word1 OR word2 OR word3) AND (NOT except1 OR NOT except2)
which translates to
(word1 OR word2 OR word3) AND NOT except1 AND NOT except2
which, expressed as list operations, translates to
AND(OR(word1, word2, word3), NOT(except1), NOT(except2))
We have therefore an AND list on top. However, in lognotify we start out in an OR list. We therefore have to put our
AND list as the single element into the top OR list. The final result would be
# OR list
# AND list
# OR list
- word1
- word2
- word3
- ^except1
- ^except2

Do clause
The do clause specifies what action to take when one of the expressions in the when clause matches. To run commands
on the selected logfile lines, Python, bash or Tcl can be used. Some
variables are injected, depending on the language used. Scripts receive one or more events at a time depending on
whether context and/or burst mode was requested. If neither context not burst mode is requested, one single line is
reported at a time.

Use the pipe character at the end of a line prior to the code block to cause YAML to process the following indented
block without interpretation, leaving line endings intact (see the examples below).

Context is a number of lines running up to the actual log event line. It can be requested with the --config/-C
flag. Context lines are marked with a True value in Python or Tcl or a value of 1 in bash or sh to
distinguish them from log lines. However, if a context line is also a regular log line (appearing because it is part of
a burst) it is not marked as such.

Burst mode
In burst mode, log lines arriving within a certain time frame are kept together and appear in the same call. Burst mode
can be requested either as a burst specifier in a do clause or with a --burst or --force-burst command line
flag. Good values for burst time frames are between 2 and 5 seconds. The --force-burst flag overrides values
specified in do clauses while --burst does not.

Python code can be one block or be split into an initialization section and a runtime section. The former is executed
once at startup and is intended to contain stuff like import statements, function definitions and the like. The
latter is run for every event.
In Python, the following variables are available:

A string containing the path of the logfile where the event was coming from


A list of tuples. For each event the tuple contains:

a bool which is True if the entry is a context line
the sequence number
a float with a timestamp
a string with the message text

Example (assuming Python3 syntax):
python: |
for msg in messages:
print('%s: %s' % (logfile, msg[3]))
Example with initialization (assuming Python3 syntax):
- |
# Setup UDP socket
import sys
import socket
sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect(('', 7777))
- |
# Write stuff to UDP socket
for msg in messages:
sock.send('json:{}\n'.format(msg[3].replace(r'\n', ' ')).encode('u8'))

Tcl code can be one block or be split into an initialization section and a runtime section. The former is executed
once at startup and is intended to contain stuff like proc statements. The latter is run for every
In Tcl, the following variables are available:

The path of the logfile where the event was coming from


A list of lists. For each event the inner list contains:

a bool which is True if the entry is a context line
the sequence number
an int with a timestamp
a string with the message text

tcl: |
foreach m $messages {
puts "$logfile: [clock format [expr int([lindex $m 2])]] [lindex $m 3]"
Example with initialization:
- |
proc output {m} {
puts $m
- |
foreach m $messages {
output "$logfile: [clock format [expr int([lindex $m 2])]] [lindex $m 3]"

Bash and sh
In bash and sh, the following variables are available:

The path of the logfile where the event was coming from

An array with an int for every line where 1 means it is a context line or 0 otherwise

An array containing the sequence number for every line

An array containing the timestamp in ISO format for every line

An array containing the text for every line

bash: |
echo $logfile: ${time[-1]} ${message[-1]}
But since bash is the default language, it can be written as:
do: |
echo $logfile: ${message[-1]}
The do clause can be omitted altogether in which case a default of
python: |
for msg in messages:
print('%s: %s' % (logfile, msg[3]))
is assumed.


Command synopsis:

lognotify [-h] –config CONFIG [–full]
[–burst BURST | –force-burst FORCE_BURST]
[–context CONTEXT] [–debug] [–version]
logfile [logfile …]

Positional arguments:

A log file to scan

Optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
specify config file

--full, -f
scan files from beginning

--burst BURST, -b BURST
report bursts of BURST seconds together

force reporting bursts of BURST seconds together

specify context size

--debug, -d
Print some debug information to stderr

--version, -v
display version and exit

At least one path to an existing, readable log file is expected.
The --full or -f option requests reading files from the start. Without the flag, reading begins at the current
end of file. Sequence numbering always begins from the point where reading begins.
The --debug or -d option sends information to the standard error file. Repeating the flag increases the
amount of information.

Useful scripts
This section is a collection of useful scripts.

Send desktop notification
To be used as root (change 'username' accordingly):
from subprocess import check_call

'su', 'username', '-c',
'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "%s" "%s"' % (logfile, '\n'.join('> '[m[0]] + m[3] for m in messages))

Send desktop notification to remote machine
To be used as root (change 'hostname' and username accordingly):
from subprocess import check_call
from platform import node

'ssh', 'hostname',
r'su username -c "DISPLAY=:0 notify-send \"%s: %s\" \"%s\""' % (
'\n'.join('! '[m[0]] + m[3] for m in messages)

Send e-mail
Change 'mail-user', 'mail-user-password', source-email and destination-email accordingly:
python: |
from smtplib import SMTP
import sys

client = SMTP('localhost')
client.login('mail-user', 'mail-user-password')
'From: source-email\n'
'To: destination-email\n'
'Subject: Message in %s\n\n'
'%s\n' % (logfile, '\n'.join('> '[m[0]] + m[3] for m in messages))


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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