JyPlotter 0.9.5

Creator: bradpython12

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JyPlotter 0.9.5

Version: 0.9.5 (September, 2nd 2017)

2004 Eckhart Arnold under the MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

Author: Eckhart Arnold
Email: eckhart.arnold@posteo.de
Web: http://eckhartarnold.de
Source: https://github.com/jecki/PyPlotter
Manual: http://pythonhosted.org/JyPlotter/

PyPlotter is a Python package for plotting graphs and diagrams with very
small footprint. Possible use cases for PyPlotter still are:

you need a plotting package that works with jython in the java virtual
you need a Python plotting package that can be transpiled to Javascript
(see [transcrypt.org](https://www.transcrypt.org) to be run in an
you need a lightweight graph plotting package with small footprint
you need a plotting package that can easily be adapted to some obscure
graphics library or GUI-toolkit that is not supported by matplotlib
you need a plotting package without any particular C-library dependencies
[matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org/) is just too large for you

PyPlotter allows plotting on linear and logarithmic scales. Apart from
that it contains classes for plotting simplex diagrams, such as are
used in evolutionary game theory for example.
Through its own device driver PyPlotter can easily be adapted to
different graphical user interfaces or output devices. This means that
the same plotting subroutines can be used in a Jython applet in
conjunction with the Java AWT or in a standalone application utilizing
the wxWidgets, gtk or qt tookit or in an Internet-Application transpiled
with [transcrypt.org](https://www.transcrypt.ort)

Installation Instructions
The easiest way to install PyPlotter / JyPlotter is with the pip-Installer
from Python package index:

[sudo] pip install JyPlotter

Attention: It needs to be JyPlotter not PyPlotter because there seems to
exist another package with the same name in PyPi.
Alternatively, you can also download the PyPlotter subfolder and place it
inside your project folder. Importing PyPlotter works just the same way
as described in the [manual](http://eckhartarnold.de/apppages/onlinedocs/PyPlotter_Doc/PyPlotter_Doc.html).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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