kagi 0.4.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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kagi 0.4.0


Kagi provides support for FIDO WebAuthn security keys and TOTP tokens in Django.
Kagi is a relatively young project and has not yet been fully battle-tested.
Its use in a high-impact environment should be accompanied by a thorough
understanding of how it works before relying on it.

python -m pip install kagi
Add kagi to INSTALLED_APPS and include kagi.urls somewhere in your
URL patterns. Set: LOGIN_URL = "kagi:login"
Make sure that Django’s built-in login view does not have a
urlpattern, because it will authenticate users without their second
factor. Kagi provides its own login view to handle that.

To see a demo, use the test project included in this repository and perform the
following steps (creating and activating a virtual environment first is optional).
First, install Poetry:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org/ | python -
Clone the Kagi source code and switch to its directory:
git clone https://github.com/justinmayer/kagi.git && cd kagi
Install dependencies, run database migrations, create a user, and serve the demo:
poetry install
poetry shell
invoke migrate
python testproj/manage.py createsuperuser
invoke serve
You should now be able to see the demo project login page in your browser at:
Supported browsers and versions can be found here: https://caniuse.com/webauthn
For domains other than localhost, WebAuthn requires that the site is served
over a secure (HTTPS) connection.
Since you haven’t added any security keys yet, you will be logged in with just a
username and password. Once logged in and on the multi-factor settings page,
choose “Manage WebAuthn keys” and then “Add another key” and follow the provided
instructions. Once WebAuthn and/or TOTP has been successfully configured, your
account will be protected by multi-factor authentication, and when you log in
the next time, your WebAuthn key or TOTP token will be required.
You can manage the keys attached to your account on the key management page at:

Using WebAuthn Keys on Linux
Some distros don’t come with udev rules to make USB HID /dev/
nodes accessible to normal users. If your key doesn’t light up
and start flashing when you expect it to, this might be what is
happening. See https://github.com/Yubico/libu2f-host/issues/2 and
https://github.com/Yubico/libu2f-host/blob/master/70-u2f.rules for some
discussion of the rule to make it accessible. If you just want a quick
temporary fix, you can run sudo chmod 666 /dev/hidraw* every time
after you plug in your key (the files disappear after unplugging).

This project would not exist without the significant contributions made by
Thanks to Gavin Wahl for django-u2f,
which served as useful initial scaffolding for this project.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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