kamaji 20220225

Creator: bradpython12

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kamaji 20220225

Kamaji Static Website Generator
Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Frank Abelbeck kamaji@abelbeck.info
Version: 20220225
License: GLP 3
Kamaji is a static website generator. It generates HTML files from Markdown
source files, processing their metadata and following all local file references.
Kamaji will only process source files that are newer than the output. It will
build all dependencies and references as it goes along.
Metadata in a Markdown file defines the environment of that file. You configure
your entire website only by defining metadata.
With metadata you can define environment variables for a file. You can access
these variables in your markdown source or in HTML templates/snippets by
prepending the variable name with a dollar sign.
Note: Kamaji confines its operations to the current working directory.
Name, Icon, and Development
This program is named after the boiler-grandpa in "Spirited Away" to honour
Hayao Miyazaki and his Ĺ“uvre.
The Icon represents the letter "K" in the Braille writing system.
The BBC recording of the Last Night of the Proms 2019 supplied the soundtrack
while developing this software. You can't go wrong with a bit of a Cancan.
And with the all-time great version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", sung so
lushly by Jamie Barton.
usage: kamaji [-h] [-l {debug,info,warn,err,crit}] [--version] {demo,build,map,info,license} ...

Manage a static website.

positional arguments:
demo Initialise an example source directory
build Build a static website
map Create a graph of the site structure
info show documentation on Kamaji
license show Kamaji's license text

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l {debug,info,warn,err,crit}, --loglevel {debug,info,warn,err,crit}
Set the minimum log level (default: info)
--version show program's version number and exit

usage: kamaji.py build [-h] [--no-prune] [--no-clean] [--force] [--exclude PATTEXC] [--include PATTINC] [--copy PATTCPY] [--output PATHOUT] [--db PATHDB]

Build a static website in the current directory.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no-prune do not remove empty HTML tags from the final output
--no-clean do not remove stale files from the output directory
--force force rebuilding by ignoring any existing node DB
--exclude PATTEXC exclude any file matching PATTEXC
--include PATTINC include any file matching PATTINC
--copy PATTCPY instead of processing, just copy any file matching PATTCPY
--output PATHOUT define the path PATHOUT of the output directory
--db PATHDB define the path PATHDB of the node JSON database

Default values:
PATHOUT = .kamaji/out
PATHDB = .kamaji/nodes.json

The options --exclude, --include, and --copy accept patterns with the following special characters:
'*' matches everything
'**' matches everything in the current and all subdirectories, recursively
'?' matches any single character
'[seq]' matches any character in seq
'[!seq]' matches any character not in seq

Output directory PATHOUT and node database file PATHDB are ignored automatically.

The options --ignore and --copy may be specified multiple times.

usage: kamaji.py map [-h] [--db PATHDB] [--format FMT] [--engine ENGINE] [--exclude PATTEXC] [--include PATTINC] [--class CLS] [--deps] [--refs] [--all] [--site] [--attribute CLS KEY VAL]
[--undirected] [--merge]

Create a graph of the node structure in the current directory.

positional arguments:
PATHOUT define the path PATHOUT of the sitemap output file. Suffixes are appended as needed.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--db PATHDB define the path PATHDB of the node JSON database [default: .kamaji/nodes.json]
--format FMT define the output format FORMAT of the sitemap output file
--engine ENGINE define the layout engine ENGINGE used by GraphViz
--exclude PATTEXC exclude any file matching PATTEXC
--include PATTINC include any file matching PATTINC
--class CLS include all nodes of given class and its subclasses
--deps include all nodes that are dependencies of others
--refs include all nodes that are references to others
--all include nodes of all classes and all relationships
--site include all website nodes, suitable for a sitemap
--attribute CLS KEY VAL
define an additional attribute KEY=VAL for a given class CLS
--undirected create an undirected graph
--merge merge parallel edges (i.e. use edge concentrators)

Default values:
PATHDB = .kamaji/nodes.json
FORMAT = svg
ENGINE = dot

Available node classes (option --class):
+-- NodeQuery
+-- NodeLocal
| +-- NodeLocalFile
| | +-- NodeLocalFileMarkdown
| | +-- NodeLocalFileHtml
| | +-- NodeLocalFileSvg
| | +-- NodeLocalFileCss
| | +-- NodeLocalFileMisc
| | `-- NodeLocalFileUnkown
| `-- NodeLocalDirectory
`-- NodeRemote
+-- NodeRemoteMailto
+-- NodeRemoteHttp
`-- NodeRemoteMisc

Any local link is made relative to the output file's directory.

Option --all equals "--class Node --deps --refs" and takes precedence over --site.

Option --site equals "--class NodeLocalFileMarkdown --class NodeLocalFileHtml --class NodeLocalDirectory --refs" and takes precedence over --class.

Option --attribute allows attribute definition for nodes and edges.
If CLS equals "graph", this defines a graph attribute.
If CLS equals "nodes", this defines a general node attribute.
If CLS equals "edges", "dep", or "ref", this defines a general, dependency, or reference edge attribute.
Otherwise CLS is interpreted as node class name (see above) and defines the attribute for that node class and all subclasses.

The options --exclude and --include accept a pattern with the following special characters:
'*' matches everything
'**' matches everything in the current and all subdirectories, recursively
'?' matches any single character
'[seq]' matches any character in seq
'[!seq]' matches any character not in seq

If --undirected is passed, Kamaji will create an undirected graph. Otherwise dependency edges point from the dependency towards the dependent node, and reference edges point from the referrer to the referenced node.

The option --merge lets Kamaji merge parallel edges (i.e. pairwise reference/dependency).

Extra class "edgedep" and "edgeref" are added to dependency and reference edges, respectively. This is useful when styling SVG output over CSS.

The options --class, --attribute, --exclude, and --include may be specified multiple times.

usage: kamaji.py demo [-h]

Populate the current directory with some example files.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

usage: kamaji.py info [-h] [--raw]

Show documentation on Kamaji.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--raw show documentation in raw markdown format

usage: kamaji.py license [-h] [--raw]

Show Kamaji's license text.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--raw show license in raw markdown format


2022-02-25 copy argument now also copies unreferenced files
2022-02-18 Kamaji mk4 is ready


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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