kanbanpy 1.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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kanbanpy 1.2.0

A console-based Kanban task manager created in Python.
Create and manage tasks visually in your terminal using simple commands.

Simple CLI commands
ASCII based kanban board
Easy setup
Stores tasks in a readable format (JSON).

Install using pip running the following command in the terminal:
pip install kanbanpy

kanbanpy requires a config file located in the user's home directory. This file
can be generated using the setup command:
# Run the setup wizard
kanbanpy setup

# Or use the defaults
kanbanpy setup -y

If you installed the library, you can use the CLI as a system command:
kanbanpy [...args]

Or call it as a Python import:
python -m kanbanpy [...args]

Here are some examples of the commands available:
# Just display the kanban board

# Create a new task
kanbanpy create "A new todo"

# Move task with id 1 to the next status
kanbanpy next 1

# Revert a task with id 1 to the previous status
kanbanpy prev 1

# Remove task with id 1
kanbanpy remove 1

Commands also have convenient aliases:

create: c
next: n
prev: p
remove: r

To explore the full list of commands, run:
kanbanpy --help

A handful technique is to define a shell alias to call the cli and take
advantage of the command aliases defined by the package.
# Instead of running:
kanbanpy create "my new todo"

# Define an alias in your .bashrc or .zshrc:
alias kb="kanbanpy"

# And type shorter commands:
kb c "my new todo"

Important tasks
Include a '!' in a task todo to mark it as important. The task will be
highlighted when displaying the board:
kanbanpy create "an important todo!"

kanbanpy create "project!: todo title"

kanbanpy create "(!) new todo"

Thank you for considering contributing to my project! Any pull requests are
welcome and greatly appreciated. If you encounter any issues while using
the project, please feel free to post them on the issue tracker.
To contribute to the project, please follow these steps:

Fork the repository.
Add a new feature or bug fix.
Commit them using descriptive messages, using
conventional commits is recommended.
Submit a pull request.

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file
for more details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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