kaskade 2.3.5

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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kaskade 2.3.5

Kaskade is a text user interface (TUI) for Apache Kafka, built with Textual
by Textualize. It includes features like:


List topics, partitions, groups and group members.
Topic information like lag, replicas and records count.
Create, edit and delete topics.
Filter topics by name.


Json, string, integer, long, float, boolean and double deserialization.
Filter by key, value, header and/or partition.
Schema Registry support with avro.
Protobuf deserialization support.


Install it with brew:
brew install kaskade

brew installation.
Install it with pipx:
pipx install kaskade

pipx installation.
Running kaskade
Admin view:
kaskade admin -b my-kafka:9092

Consumer view:
kaskade consumer -b my-kafka:9092 -t my-topic

Configuration examples
Multiple bootstrap servers:
kaskade admin -b my-kafka:9092,my-kafka:9093

Consume and deserialize:
kaskade consumer -b my-kafka:9092 -t my-topic -k json -v json

Consuming from the beginning:
kaskade consumer -b my-kafka:9092 -t my-topic -x auto.offset.reset=earliest

Schema registry simple connection and avro deserialization:
kaskade consumer -b my-kafka:9092 \
-s url=http://my-schema-registry:8081 \
-t my-topic -k avro -v avro

For more information about Schema Registry configurations go
to: Confluent Schema Registry client.

SSL encryption example:
kaskade admin -b my-kafka:9092 -x security.protocol=SSL

For more information about SSL encryption and SSL authentication go
to: SSL support in librdkafka.

Confluent cloud admin and consumer:
kaskade admin -b ${BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS} \
-x security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
-x sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
-x sasl.username=${CLUSTER_API_KEY} \
-x sasl.password=${CLUSTER_API_SECRET}

kaskade consumer -b ${BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS} \
-x security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
-x sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
-x sasl.username=${CLUSTER_API_KEY} \
-x sasl.password=${CLUSTER_API_SECRET} \
-s basic.auth.user.info=${SR_API_KEY}:${SR_API_SECRET} \
-t my-topic \
-k string \
-v avro

More about confluent cloud configuration
at: Kafka Client Quick Start for Confluent Cloud.

Running with docker:
docker run --rm -it --network my-networtk sauljabin/kaskade:latest \
admin -b my-kafka:9092

docker run --rm -it --network my-networtk sauljabin/kaskade:latest \
consumer -b my-kafka:9092 -t my-topic

Protobuf consumer:
Install protoc command:
brew install protobuf

Generate a Descriptor Set file from your .proto file:
protoc --include_imports \
--descriptor_set_out=my-descriptor.desc \
--proto_path=${PROTO_PATH} \

Consume using my-descriptor.desc file:
kaskade consumer -b my-kafka:9092 -x auto.offset.reset=earliest \
-k string -v protobuf \
-t my-protobuf-topic \
-p descriptor=my-descriptor.desc -p value=mypackage.MyMessage

More about protobuf and FileDescriptorSet at: Protocol Buffers Documentation.

For development instructions see DEVELOPMENT.md.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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