katagami 2.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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katagami 2.0.1

This library is one of many Python templating libraries.


Based on XML’s Processing instructions (<?…?>)
Simple features and simple implementation
Python script inside XML/HTML with any level indentation
Inline Python expression
Embed Python script
Block structure
Supports both of Python 2 and Python 3
As fast as mako
Iteratable output

Make a HTML string with inline Python expression and Python’s for (Block
>>> from katagami import render_string, myprint
>>> myprint(render_string('''<html>
... <body>
... <? for name in names: {?>
... <p>hello, <?=name?></p>
... <?}?>
... </body>
... </html>''', {'names': ['world', 'python']}))
<p>hello, world</p>
<p>hello, python</p>

Inline Python expression
This feature evaluates your inline expression and output to result:
>>> myprint(render_string('''<html><body>
... <?='hello, world'?>
... </body></html>'''))
hello, world
By the default, this example raises an exception, evaluated expression must be
str (unicode in Python 2):
>>> myprint(render_string('''<html><body>
... <?=1?>
... </body></html>''')) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
Set the cast_string feature:
>>> myprint(render_string('''<?py
... from katagami import cast_string
... ?><html><body>
... <?=1?>
... </body></html>'''))
Also set the except_hook feature:
>>> myprint(render_string('''<?py
... from katagami import except_hook
... ?><html><body>
... <?=1?>
... </body></html>'''))
Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly

Embed Python script
All indentation will be arranged automatically:
>>> myprint(render_string('''<html>
... <?py
... # It is a top level here. This works fine.
... if 1:
... msg = 'message from indented script'
... ?>
... <body>
... <p><?=msg?></p>
... <?py msg = 'message from single line script' # This works fine too. ?>
... <p><?=msg?></p>
... <? if 1: {?>
... <?py
... # Is is nested here. This also works fine.
... msg = 'message from nested indented script'
... ?>
... <p><?=msg?></p>
... <?}?>
... </body>
... </html>'''))
<p>message from indented script</p>
<p>message from single line script</p>
<p>message from nested indented script</p>

Block structure
Indentation with C-style block structure:
>>> myprint(render_string('''<html>
... <body>
... <p>hello,&nbsp;
... <? try: {?>
... <?=name?>
... <?} except NameError: {?>
... NameError
... <?} else: {?>
... never output here
... <?}?>
... </p>
... </body>
... </html>'''))


‘<? }’ and ‘{ ?>’ are wrong. Don’t insert space. ‘<?}’ and ‘{?>’ are correct.
Ending colon (‘:’) is required.
Block closing ‘<?}?>’ is required.

Encoding detection
Encoding will be detected automatically:
>>> myprint(render_string(b'''<html>
... <head><meta charset="shift-jis"></head>
... <body>\x93\xfa\x96{\x8c\xea</body>
... </html>'''))
<head><meta charset="shift-jis"></head>
Supported formats:

<?xml encoding=”ENCODING”?>
<meta charset=”ENCODING”>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”MIMETYPE; ENCODING”>


2.0.1 improve backward compatibility of the test
2.0.0 change a lot and add some features

1.1.0 change api, add except_handler, add shorthand of gettext (<?_message?>),
some fixes

1.0.3 fix ignoring encoding argument, fix indent bug, add renderString
1.0.2 improve doctest compatibility, some fixes
1.0.1 fix bugs, docs, speed
1.0.0 remove backward compatibility


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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