kcshell 0.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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kcshell 0.0.4

What is it:
Simple Python3 based interactive assembly/disassembly shell for various
architectures powered by
I simply got tired of using
to assemble and disassemble code.
Keystone and
Capstone are awesome and… I
like Python.

How to install it:
pip3 install kcshell
OR (assuming you have Keystone and Capstone build toolchains installed)
git clone https://github.com/fdiskyou/kcshell
cd kcshell
python setup.py install

By default ‘kcshell’ starts in ‘assembler’ mode (x86 32 bits). You can
change modes with ‘setmode’, and you can also change the default
architecture for both the ‘assembler’ and ‘disassembler’ with ‘setarch’.
$ kcshell
-=[ kcshell v0.0.3 ]=-
Default Assembler architecture is x86 (32 bits)
asm> lsmodes
disasm, asm
asm> setmode disasm
Default Disassembler architecture is x86 (32 bits)
disasm> lsarchs
x86, mips32, arm_t, x64, arm, x16, arm64, mips64
disasm> setarch x64
Disassembler architecture is now x64
To assemble instructions just type the instructions in the command line.
asm> jmp esp
asm> xor eax, eax
asm> setarch x64
Assembler architecture is now x64
asm> inc rax
To go from opcodes to instructions just type them in the command line.
disasm> \xff\xe4
0x00400000: jmp esp
disasm> \x31\xc0
0x00400000: xor eax, eax
disasm> setarch x64
Disassembler architecture is now x64
disasm> \x48\xff\xc0
0x00400000: inc rax
For help just use ‘?’ or ‘help <command>’.
asm> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF exit help lsarchs lsmodes quit setarch setmode

asm> setmode disasm
Default Disassembler architecture is x86 (32 bits)
disasm> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF exit help lsarchs lsmodes quit setarch setmode

To list all the supported architectures just go to the desired mode and
use ‘lsarchs’.
asm> lsarchs
mips64, sparc64, sparc, arm_t, x64, x16, arm64, hexagon, systemz, mips32, ppc64, x86, arm, ppc32
asm> lsmodes
asm, disasm
asm> setmode disasm
Default Disassembler architecture is x86 (32 bits)
disasm> lsarchs
mips64, x16, arm64, mips32, arm_t, x86, arm, x64


Read input from files
Set a proper base address for 64 bits architectures


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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