kdbai-client 1.2.4

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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kdbaiclient 1.2.4

KDB.AI Client for Python
For full documentation and detailed examples, visit KDB.AI website.
Installing kdbai-client using pip
Ensure you have a recent version of pip:
pip install --upgrade pip
Then install the latest version of kdbai-client with the following command:
pip install kdbai-client

To install a specific version of kdbai-client run the following command replacing <INSERT_VERSION> with a specific released semver version of the interface
pip install kdbai-client==<INSERT_VERSION>

For developers, it is suggested to install the library dynamically, so that local changes can be reflected immediately. Therefore please enter the repository directory and then run below:-
pip install -e .

Warning: Python packages should typically be installed in a virtual environment. This can be done with the venv package from the standard library.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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