keboola.http-client 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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keboola.httpclient 1.0.0

Python HTTP Client
This library serves as tool to work effectively when sending requests to external services. The library wraps on top of the requests library and implements a couple useful method, such as in-built retry, exception raising, etc.
It is being developed by the Keboola Data Services team and officially supported by Keboola. It aims to simplify the Keboola Component creation process, by removing the necessity to write complicated code to work with the APIs effectively.

API Documentation: API Docs
Source code:
PYPI project code:

Quick Start
The package may be installed via PIP:
pip install keboola.http-client

Structure and Functionality
The package contains a single core module:

keboola.http_client - Contains the HttpClient class for easy manipulation with APIs and external services

The core class that serves as a tool to communicate with external services. The class is a wrapper around the requests library with implemented retry mechanism, and automatic error handling in case of HTTP error returned.
For each HTTP method, following methods are implemented in the HttpClient:

GET - get(), get_raw()
POST - post(), post_raw()
PATCH - patch(), patch_raw()
UPDATE - update(), update_raw()
PUT - put(), put_raw()
DELETE - delete(), delete_raw()

The difference between _raw() methods and their non-_raw() counterparts is, that raw methods will return requests.Response object, while non-raw methods will return a json body if the request is successful and raise an error if an HTTP error is encountered.
All abovementioned methods support all parameters supported by requests.request() functions - as described in the documentation.
The core class is keboola.http_client.HttpClient, which can be initialized by specifying the base_url parameter:
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL)

Default arguments
For HttpClient, it is possible to define default arguments, which will be sent with every request. It's possible to define default_http_header, auth_header and default_params - a default header, a default authentication header and default parameters, respectively.
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

'x-storageapi-token': '1234-STORAGETOKENSTRING'
'include': 'columns'
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL, default_http_header=DEFAULT_HEADER,
auth_header=AUTH_HEADER, default_params=DEFAULT_PARAMS)

Basic authentication
By specifying the auth argument, the HttpClient will utilize the basic authentication.
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

USERNAME = 'TestUser'
PASSWORD = '@bcd1234'

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD))

Simple POST request
Making a simple POST request using post_raw() method.
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL)

data = {'attr_1': 'value_1', 'attr_2': 'value_2'}
header = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = cl.post_raw(data=data, headers=header)

if response.ok is not True:
raise ValueError(response.json())

Making a simple POST request using post() method.
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL)

data = {'attr_1': 'value_1', 'attr_2': 'value_2'}
header = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response =, headers=header)

Working with URL paths
Each of the methods takes an optional positional argument endpoint_path. If specified, the value of the endpoint_path will be appended to the URL specified in the base_url parameter, when initializing the class. When appending the endpoint_path, the urllib.parse.urljoin() function is used.
The below code will send a POST request to the URL
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL)

header = {'token': 'token_value'}
cl.post_raw('events', headers=header)

It is also possible to override this behavior by using parameter is_absolute_path=True. If specified, the value of endpoint_path will not be appended to the base_url parameter, but will rather be used as an absolute URL to which the HTTP request will be made.
In the below code, the base_url parameter is set to, but the base URL will be overriden by specifying is_absolute_path=True and the HTTP request will be made to the URL specified in the post() request -
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL)

header = {'token': 'token_value'}
cl.post_raw('', headers=header, is_absolute_path=True)

Raw request Example
A simple request made with default authentication header and parameters.
import os
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient

TOKEN = os.environ['TOKEN']

cl = HttpClient(BASE_URL, auth_header={'x-storageapi-token': TOKEN})

request_params = {'exclude': 'components'}
response = cl.get_raw('storage', params=request_params)

if response.ok is True:

Building HTTP client based on HTTPClient Example
This example demonstrates the default use of the HTTPClient as a base for REST API clients.
from keboola.http_client import HttpClient


class KBCStorageClient(HttpClient):

def __init__(self, storage_token):
HttpClient.__init__(self, base_url=BASE_URL, max_retries=MAX_RETRIES, backoff_factor=0.3,
status_forcelist=(429, 500, 502, 504),
auth_header={"X-StorageApi-Token": storage_token})

def get_files(self, show_expired=False):
params = {"showExpired": show_expired}
return self.get('files', params=params)

cl = KBCStorageClient("my_token")



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