kernax 0.1.9

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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kernax 0.1.9

Kernax: regularized Stein thinning
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
x = jax.random.normal(rng_key, (1000,2))

from jax.scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
def logprob_fn(x):
return multivariate_normal.logpdf(x, mean=jnp.zeros(2), cov=jnp.eye(2))
score_fn = jax.grad(logprob_fn)

score_values = jax.vmap(score_fn, 0)(x)

from kernax.utils import median_heuristic
lengthscale = jnp.array([median_heuristic(x)])

from kernax import SteinThinning
stein_fn = SteinThinning(x, score_values, lengthscale)
indices = stein_fn(100)

from kernax import laplace_log_p_softplus
log_p = jax.vmap(score_fn, 0)(x)
laplace_log_p_values = laplace_log_p_softplus(x, score_fn)

from kernax import RegularizedSteinThinning
reg_stein_fn = RegularizedSteinThinning(x, log_p, score_values, laplace_log_p_values, lengthscale)
indices = reg_stein_fn(100)

Documentation is available at readthedocs.
This code is not meant to be an evolving library. However, feel free to create issues and merge requests.
Install guide
pip install kernax

A conda package will soon be available on the conda-forge channel.
From source
To install from source, clone this repository, then add the package to your PYTHONPATH or simply do
pip install -e .

All the requirements are listed in the file env.yml. It can be used to create a conda environement as follows.
cd kernax-main
conda env create -n kernax -f env.yml

Activate the new environment:
conda activate kernax

And test if it is working properly:
python -c "import kernax; print(dir(kernax))"

This code implements the regularized Stein thinning algorithm introduced in the paper Kernel Stein Discrepancy thinning: a theoretical perspective of pathologies and a practical fix with regularization.
Please consider citing the paper when using this library:
title={Kernel Stein Discrepancy thinning: a theoretical perspective of pathologies and a practical fix with regularization},
author={B{\'e}nard, Cl{\'e}ment and Staber, Brian and Da Veiga, S{\'e}bastien},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13528},

All the numerical experiments presented in the paper can be reproduced with the scripts made available in the example folder.
In particular:

Figures 1, 2 & 3 can be reproduced with the script example/

Each experiment in Section 4 and Appendix 1 can be reproduced with the scripts gathered in the following folders:

Gaussian mixture: example/mog4_mcmc and example/mog4_mcmc_dim
Mixture of banana-shaped distributions: example/mobt2_mcmc and example/mobt2_mcmc_dim
Bayesian logistic regression: example/

Two additional scripts are also available to reproduce figures shown in the supplementary material:

Figure 2: example/
Figure 6: example/mog4_mcmc_lambda


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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