keyraser_client 0.5.0

Creator: railscoder56

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keyraser client 0.5.0

keyraser python client

Keyraser is a system that helps you to use key-shredding for managing data privacy in
distributed system. This python library includes a client that allows to encrypt or
decrypt data with keys that are managed by keyraser.
What it does
The library contains a single class Client that exposes methods for encrypting or
decrypting data that is either provided in form of files, python io streams or bytes.
The data is encrypted with encryption keys that are specific for the owning entity of
the data. Encrypted data contains an identifier of the key that it was encrypted with
so it can be automatically fetched from the keyraser keystore.
How it works
Internally the library uses the
Keyraser client binaries for en-/decrypting
the data. The python process communicates with the cli client in a subprocess using
Using the library is quite easy:
import keyraser_client


client = keyraser_client.Client(

src = '/path/to/ndjson/file'
dest = '/path/to/encrypted/file'

keyraser_client.NdjsonFormat(id_property = 'user_id'), src, dest,

After importing the module we can create a new Client to which we need to provide
configuration parameter like the address of the keystore, from where the keys should be
fetched and the credential that should be used for authenticating the client.
With the client we can then encrypt or decrypt by proving the arguments on where to
read the data from and where to write it into.
For more information take a look at the latest
user guide.
The Keyraser python client uses tox to build and test the library.
Tox runs all tests on different python versions, can generate the documentation and run
linters and style checks to improve the code quality.
In order to install all the necessary python modules, please run:
pip install tox

Afterwards the tests can be run by just calling

from the project directory. For this to work, you need to have multiple python
interpreters installed. If you don't want to run the tests on all supported platforms
just edit the tox.ini file and set
envlist = py38,py39,py310,py311,py312

to contain only the python version you want to use. Another option is to run tox with
the additional command line argument
which skips python versions that aren't installed.
Alternatively, one can use pyenv which will use the
available python version and skip the others. For this to work, export the
VIRTUALENV_DISCOVERY environment variable with a value of pyenv.

The latest version of the documentation can always be found under
The documentation is written in Markdown
and is located in the docs directory of the project.
It can be built into static HTML by using MkDocs.
In order to manually generate the documentation we can use tox to build the HTML pages from our markdown.
tox -e docs

Releasing a new package version
Releasing new versions of multimeter is done using flit.
pip install flit

In order to be able to publish a new release, you need an account with PyPI or their
respective test environment.
Add those accounts into your ~.pypirc:
index-servers =

username: <my-user>

username: <my-test-user>

Publishing a new release to test
flit publish --repository pypitest

Releasing a new version of the documentation
The package uses mike
to manage multiple versions of the documentation. The already generated documentation is kept
in the docs-deployment branch and will be automatically deployed, if the branch is pushed to
the repository.
In order to build a new version of the documentation, we need to use the corresponding tox environment:
VERSION_TAG='<my-version>' tox -e docs-release

The VERSION_TAG environment variable should be set to the new version in format '.'.
This will build the documentation and add it as new commits to the docs-deployment branch.
By pushing the updated branch to the gitlab repository, the documentation will be automatically
deployed to the official documentation website.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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