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keystoneauthoidc 1.0.0
OpenID Connect support for OpenStack clients
This is a set of authentication plugins for the OpenStack clients (namely for
the keystoneauth1 library) which
provides client support for authentication against an OpenStack Keystone server
configured to support OpenID Connect using the Keystone Open ID Connect
plugin or the Apache's
mod_auth_openidc, as described
Available plugins
v3oidc plugin
This plugin allows you to authenticate with a Keystone server configured to use
the Keystone Open ID Connect plugin.
It will perform out-of-bound authentication with the sever, meaning that the
only OpenID Connect client (Relying Party) is the Keystone Server.
No OpenID Connect credentials are required in this case.
v3oidccode plugin (old method)
This plugin allows to authenticate against Keystone using the Authorization
Code grant type of OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0, using the OpenStack client as
an OpenID Connect Relying Party. This plugin is compatible with Keystone
configured with the Apache HTTP server and the
mod_auth_openidc and the
Keystone Open ID Connect plugin.
This plugin requires that you configure an OpenID Connect client in your OpenID
Connect Provider and pass the client credentials to the plugin. The OpenStack
CLI will handle the authentication with the OpenID Connect Provider, obtaining
and access token, that will be exchanged with the Keystone server in order to
obtain a Keystone token.
Install it via pip:
pip install keystoneauth-oidc
Or clone the repo and install it:
git clone
cd keystoneauth-oidc
pip install .
v3oidc plugin
You have to specify the v3oidc in the --os-auth-type. The
<identity-provider> and <protocol> must be provided by the OpenStack cloud
Unscoped token:
openstack --os-auth-url
--os-auth-type v3oidccode
--os-identity-api-version 3
--os-openid-scope "openid profile email"
token issue
Scoped token:
openstack --os-auth-url
--os-auth-type v3oidc
--os-identity-api-version 3
--os-openid-scope "openid profile email"
token issue
v3oidccode plugin (old method)
First of all, you need to create an OpenID Connect client in your OpenID Connect Provider.
Then, you have to specify the v3oidccode in the --os-auth-type option and provide a
valid autorization endpoint with --os-authorization-endpoint or a valid discovery
endpoint with --os-discovery-endpoint. The <identity-provider> and
<protocol> must be provided by the OpenStack cloud provider.
Unscoped token:
openstack --os-auth-url
--os-auth-type v3oidccode
--os-identity-api-version 3
--os-openid-scope "openid profile email"
token issue
Scoped token:
openstack --os-auth-url
--os-auth-type v3oidccode
--os-identity-api-version 3
--os-openid-scope "openid profile email"
token issue
To be documented
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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