kisee 21.9.0

Creator: railscoder56

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kisee 21.9.0

Kisee — Identity Provider Server

The name "Kisee", inspired from "KISS" ("Keep it simple, stupid.") is
spoken as the french phrase "Qui c'est ?", [kis‿ɛ].
Kisee is an API giving JWTs in exchange for valid usernames/password
pairs. That's it.
Kisee is better used as a backend of the
Pasee identity manager: Pasee
handle groups and can handle multiple identity backends (one or many
Kisee instances, twitter, facebook, ...).
Kisee can use your existing database (or use a dedicated one) to query
the username and passwrds if you're willing to implement a simple
Python class to query it, so Kisee can query anything: LDAP, a flat
file, a PostgreSQL database with a strange schema, whatever.
Quick start
$ pip install kisee
$ kisee --settings example-settings.toml

This starts Kisee with an in-memory demo backend, just so you can
play. The demo backend will print the admin credentials at startup:
$ kisee --settings example-settings.toml

Admin credentials for this session is:
username: root
password: UGINenIU

======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)

So we can start by getting a JWT for the admin user (beware, your
password is different):
$ curl 0:8140/jwt/ -XPOST -d '{"username": "root", "password": "UGINenIU"}'
"_type": "document",
"_meta": {
"url": "/jwt/",
"title": "JSON Web Tokens"
"tokens": [
"add_token": {
"_type": "link",
"action": "post",
"title": "Create a new JWT",
"description": "POSTing to this endpoint create JWT tokens.",
"fields": [
"name": "username",
"required": true
"name": "password",
"required": true

It's possible for a new user to "self-register" by posting on /users/:
$ curl -i 0:8140/users/ -XPOST -d '{"username": "JohnDoe", "password": "sdfswlwl", "email": ""}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /users/JohnDoe/

Read the docs:


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