knv-cli 0.8

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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knvcli 0.8

KNV Tools
Getting started
It might be preferable to install knvcli inside a virtual environment. This can be done using the setup.bash script included in this repository - always check the respective file content before executing the following command, though:
curl -sf | bash

This will

setup a virtual environment via virtualenv
install the knvcli module
create recommended folders

After that, simply activate the virtual environment with source .env/bin/activate and you're good to go.
Alternatively, you may install it globally, using pip:
pip install git+

Adjusting most options to suit your needs is straightforward, global config is stored in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/knv-cli/config (following XDG specifications) and defaults to this:
vkn = 12345 # 'Verkehrsnummer'
verbose = off # Enable verbose mode

data_dir = ~/.local/share/knv-cli # database directory
import_dir = ./imports # files to be processed & imported to database
export_dir = ./dist # generated spreadsheets & graphs

credentials = ./login.log # JSON file containing KNV credentials

As you can see, many config options refer to the directory from which knvcli is being called.
In addition, you might want to provide a list of emails being ignored (for example, people opting out of your email marketing campaign) when creating contact lists using knvcli contacts. This can be done by providing a blocklist.txt in your current directory or using the CLI option -b. The blocklist should contain one entry per line, like this:

In the future, the following features & improvements are planned:

bar charts for sales rankings
export functions for Database
preparing tax declarations using automation
.. and much more

:copyright: Fundevogel Kinder- und Jugendbuchhandlung


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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