koda-validate 4.1.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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kodavalidate 4.1.1

Koda Validate
Koda Validate is a library and toolkit for building composable and typesafe validators. In many cases,
validators can be derived from typehints (e.g. TypedDicts, dataclasses, and NamedTuples). For everything else, you can
combine existing validation logic, or write your own. At its heart, Koda Validate is just a few kinds of
callables that fit together, so the possibilities are endless. It is async-friendly and comparable in performance to Pydantic 2.
Koda Validate can be used in normal control flow or as a runtime type checker.
Docs: https://koda-validate.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
At a Glance
Explicit Validators
from koda_validate import ListValidator, StringValidator, MaxLength, MinLength

my_string_validator = StringValidator(MinLength(1), MaxLength(20))
my_string_validator("a string!")
#> Valid("a string!")
#> Invalid(...)

# Composing validators
list_string_validator = ListValidator(my_string_validator)
list_string_validator(["a", "b", "c"])
#> Valid(["a", "b", "c"])

Derived Validators
from typing import TypedDict
from koda_validate import (TypedDictValidator, Valid, Invalid)
from koda_validate.serialization import to_serializable_errs

class Person(TypedDict):
name: str
hobbies: list[str]

person_validator = TypedDictValidator(Person)

match person_validator({"name": "Guido"}):
case Valid(string_list):
print(f"woohoo, valid!")
case Invalid() as invalid:
# readable errors

#> {'hobbies': ['key missing']}

Runtime Type Checking
from koda_validate.signature import validate_signature

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b

add(1, 2) # returns 3

add(1, "2") # raises `InvalidArgsError`
# koda_validate.signature.InvalidArgsError:
# Invalid Argument Values
# -----------------------
# b='2'
# expected <class 'int'>

There's much, much more in the Docs.
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