kohi 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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kohi 0.4.0

A powerfull schema validator

Via Poetry:
poetry add kohi

Via PIP:
pip install kohi

Via GitHub (recommended only in dev env):
git clone https://github.com/natanfeitosa/kohi.git && cd kohi && pip install .

To validate a type you can import your schema validator from kohi or from kohi.<type> import <type>Schema
Let's check if a person's date of birth is a positive integer less than the current date — 2023 — and greater than or equal to 2005
from kohi import NumberSchema
# from kohi.number import NumberSchema

n = NumberSchema().int().positive().lt(2023).gte(2005)

print(n.validate(2005)) # True
print(n.validate(2022)) # True
print(n.validate(2004)) # False
print(n.validate(2023)) # False

# You can see the errors generated in the last `validate` call just by accessing the `errors` property
# print(n.errors) # ['number must be less than 2022']



Only one base class for all schema validators


or kohi.NumberSchema


or kohi.StringSchema


or kohi.EnumSchema


or kohi.DictSchema


add_validator(name, func): Self

Add a custom data validator

validate(data): bool

The method to be called when we validate the schema

reset(): None

Reset error list

throw(): Self

By default no errors are thrown, but when this method is chained a ValidationError will be thrown

add_mutation(): Self

Add a mutation function than will run after the validate method. P.S. Will only be executed in the parse method

parse(data): typeof data

Run the validate method, the mutations and return a deep clone of data

default(data): Self

Set a default value for when the validator receives None and you don't want to generate an error

optional(): Self

Allow values None

required(error_message=None): Self

Mark the schema as required. Does not allow values None

inherits from BaseSchema

By default validates int and float

float(): Self

Validate only float

int(): Self

Validate only int

lt(num): Self

Validates if the data is less than num

gt(num): Self

Validates if the data is greater than num

lte(num): Self

Validates if the data is less than or equal to num

gte(num): Self

Validates if the data is greater than or equal to num

min(num): Self

Just an alias for gte(num)

max(num): Self

Just an alias for lte(nun)

positive(): Self

Just an alias for gt(0)

negative(): Self

Just an alias for lt(0)

nonpositive(): Self

Just an alias for lte(0)

nonnegative(): Self

Just an alias for gte(0)

inherits from BaseSchema

min(min_length): Self

Validate if the data len is greater than or equal to min_length

length(length): Self

Validate if the data len equal to length

max(max_length): Self

Validate if the data len is less than or equal to max_length

url(): Self

Validate if the data is an url

uuid(): Self

Validate if the data is a valid uuid

starts_with(text): Self

Validate if the data starts with text

ends_with(text): Self

Validate if the data ends with text

inherits from BaseSchema

one_of(opts): Self

Validate if the data is in opts

not_one_of(opts): Self

Validate that data is different from the values in opts

inherits from BaseSchema

props(**props): Self

Defines the structure of the dictionary in the format [key]: ClassValidator

Dev env

install development dependencies
check types using mypy
run all tests using pytest


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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