kong-data-plane 2.0.8

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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kongdataplane 2.0.8


Use this Kong CDK Construct Library to deploy Kong data plane on Amazon EKS .
This CDK library automatically creates and configures recommended architecture on AWS by:

Amazon EKS

Well architected EKS cluster from networking standpoint
Cluster autoscaler
Node termination handler
Secrets management from AWS Secrets Manager using CSI driver
mTLS using AWS ACM for pod to pod communication using private certificate authority and aws-pca-issuer
Use of IAM Role for Service Account (IRSA) where applicable
AWS EKS encryption at rest
Metrics server installation
Logs and metrics to cloudwatch using AWS CloudWatch Container insights


private accessibility
multi az
auto failover
auto minor version upgrade
cwl output

npm Package Installation:
yarn add --dev kong-data-plane
# or
npm install kong-data-plane --save-dev

PyPI Package Installation:
pip install kong-data-plane

Try out https://github.com/kong/aws-samples for the complete sample application and instructions.
Resources to learn about CDK

CDK TypeScript Workshop
Video Introducing CDK by AWS with Demo
CDK Concepts

Kong Hands on Workshop


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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