kozumikku.py 1.0.0a0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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kozumikku.py 1.0.0a0


An asynchronous library for interacting with the Kozumikku API.

Read the docs.

Key Features

Modern Pythonic API using async and await
Sane Error handling
Correct authentication

Python 3.8 or higher is required
Installing the library without HTTP speedups:
# Linux/MacOS
python3 -m pip install -U kozumikku.py

# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U kozumikku.py

Otherwise, to get the HTTP speedups, run the following command:
# Linux/MacOS
python3 -m pip install -U kozumikku.py[speedups]

# Windows
py-3 -m pip install -U kozumikku.py[speedups]

from kozumikku import KozumikkuClient

client = KozumikkuClient("API-TOKEN-HERE")
# get an api token here: https://www.kozumikku.tech/api/

# Requesting endpoints

## Say we have an endpoint in the /image/ category, and we need to
## request the /flip/ endpoint for it. We can simply run this:
image: bytes = await client.image("flip", url="image-url")

# Read the docs for more information


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