kqueen 1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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kqueen 1.0

More information about KQueen Architecture and use cases is described in RATIONALE file.


Python v3.6 and higher.
Pip v3 and higher.
Docker stable release (v17.03 and higher is preferable).
Docker-compose stable release (v1.16.0 and higher is preferable).

Demo environment

Make sure you can reach Jenkins server defined in JENKINS_API_URL variable in file kqueen/config/prod.py.
Run these commands to run Kqueen API and UI in containers.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up
or with mounted etcd data directory:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.etcd-volume.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up

You can login using user admin and password default.
Default username and password can be changed in docker-compose.demo.yml file before first start of API.
Navigate to UI


Install dependencies

# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

# RedHat/CentOS:
sudo yum install python-devel openldap-devel

Prepare python virtual environment
python -m ensurepip --default-pip
pip install --user pipenv
pipenv --python 3.6
pipenv install --dev

pipenv shell

Start docker container with etcd storage
docker-compose up -d

Initialize kqueen db: add admin user with default password
./bootstrap_admin.py DemoOrg demoorg admin default

You can start KQueen API service directly
kqueen &
chrome --new-tab

Prepare kubernetes config file

Kubernetes configuration file that describes existing cluster can be used in Kqueen.
Rename it with kubernetes_remote and place to the root of the project.
For test purposes this file can be empty, but should be added manually.


Clean etcd storage after previous runs
etcdctl rm --recursive /kqueen

Add admin user, organization, mock clusters and provisioners to etcd storage at once, execute the following

To add a single admin user with default password within associated DemoOrg organization in provided demoorg namespace, execute the following
./bootstrap_admin.py DemoOrg demoorg admin default

Test access token. curl, jq should be installed in your system
TOKEN=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username":"admin","password":"default"}' -X POST localhost:5000/api/v1/auth | jq -r '.access_token')
echo $TOKEN
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" localhost:5000/api/v1/clusters

Set up flask shell for manual testing and debugging
export FLASK_APP=kqueen.server
export prometheus_multiproc_dir=$(mktemp -d)
flask shell

Update Docker image with code changes

There are two ways to test development changes. First is automatic: create a separate branch and push PR, then TravisCI
build image and push it on Docker Hub automatically. Second one is just rebuild kqueen api-image locally:

docker build -t kqueen/api:your_tag .

We load configuration from file config/dev.py by default and this
can be configured by KQUEEN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Any
environment variable matching name KQUEEN_* will be loaded and saved
to configuration.

Full documentation can be found at
API reference is defined at api.yml
and Swagger UI is available at <kqueen_api_url>/api/docs

Generic KQueen Overview

AKS (Azure) in KQueen

Network policy management in KQueen
The following video provides an overview on how to manage the Calico network policy
for a Kubernetes cluster provisioned with Google Kubernetes Engine using KQueen.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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