krecommend 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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krecommend 0.0.2

A python package for creating content-based text recommender systems on pandas dataframes and SQLAlchemy tables.
The recommendations are gotten by using cosine similarity to get similar items to a requested item and the top k similar items are then recommended.
krecommend requires the following dependencies:
Pandas for dealing with dataframes
SQLAlchemy for dealing with SQL tables
Installation can be done with pip:
$ pip install krecommend

How to use
The detailed examples can be found here
For a pandas data frame.
#Provided with a simple dataframe with index "id" ,
text (string) columns "title" and "content","int" column "Views".
load the dataframe
import pandas as pd
dataframe = pd.read_csv("file_path", index_col=0)
#set the id as the index

import,initialize and fit on a pandas dataframe
recommender = KRecommend(k=2), text_columns=["content","title"])

get recommendations.
test_content="This is a test content"
test_title="This is a test title"
#the .predict method accepts lists only, even if the length is 1.

The returned recommendations is a simple python dictionary with length (k, the number of requested recommendations)
Each key in the dictionary represents the index (value of the "id" in this case) of that particular
recommendation in the dataframe, while the value represents the similarity (in %),The items in the dictionary are arranged in descending order of the similarity.
For an SQL alchemy table.
A simple SQLAlchemy table (ensure you add items to your table)
from curses import meta
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Column, Integer, String, Table

#database engine
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///database.db", echo=True)
meta = MetaData()

"""a table with name 'Posts', primary_key 'id', text (string) columns 'title' and 'content' and Int column 'views' """
posts = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
Column("title", String),
Column("content", String),

import,initialize and fit on SQLAlchemy table
#database connection
connection = engine.connect()
from krecommend.recommend import KRecommend
#k represents the number of documents to be recommend
recommender = KRecommend(k=4)
recommender.fit_on_sql_table(table_name="Posts",id_column= "id",text_columns=["content","title"],connection= connection)
#close connection

get recommendations.
test_content="This is a test content"
test_title="This is a test title"
#the .predict_on_sql_table method accepts lists only, even if the length is 1.

The returned recommendations is a simple python dictionary with length (k, the number of requested recommendations)
Each key in the dictionary represents the primary_key of that particular
recommendation in the database, while the value represents the similarity (in %).The items in the dictionary are arranged in descending order of the similarity.
The primary key can then be used to query the table to get more information on the recommendations.
For a flask-sqlalchemy table
create the simple Flask-SQLAlchemy table (ensure you add items to your table)
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///database.db"
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

"""a table with name 'Posts', primary_key 'id', text (string) columns 'title' and 'content' and Int column 'views' """
class Posts(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(64))
content = db.Column(db.String(64))
views = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)

import,initialize and fit on SQLAlchemy table
from krecommend.recommend import KRecommend
#k represents the number of documents to be recommend
#database connection
recommender = KRecommend(k=4)
recommender.fit_on_sql_table(table_name="Posts",id_column= "id",text_columns=["content","title"],connection= connection)
#close connection

The recommendations can easily be gotten using the .predict_on_sql_table as seen above.
Warning and possible sources of error
Only text columns are accepted in the text_columns parameter.
Integer or float columns will return an error.
KRecommend only saves information on your table at the time it is fitted, any information on your table added after
KRecommend has been fitted won't exist in the recommendations generated.
Implications: A recommendation might have been deleted (after fitting) from the table as at the time it is being recommend so it might no longer be found in the database.
Some content might have been modified which might affect the strength of the recommendations.
Solution: it is important to fit KRecommend again at intervals,so changes in contents will be reflected in the recommendations.For example you can schedule the `.fit_on_sql_table` method to run every hour (or any interval of your choice)
It is good practice to close the connection after fitting.
There must be k+1 (k represents the requested no of recommendations) items in the requested table.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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