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k8scollector 0.0.8
collect k8s objects, parse them with jmespath and send them to sink
How to run
k8s-collector collectors package with built-in objects named Collectors.
Collector encapsulates all the necessary parts of the library for specific collection usage, for example K8SCollector collects k8s resources.
For now the k8s-collector library used to collect k8s resources, but in theory you can define Listener, Handler, Processor, Filterer and Sink for everything
and thus creating Collector for everything.
To use K8SCollector simply run its module with -c/--config argument with CollectorConfig file path
python -m k8s_collector.collectors.K8SCollector -c/--config config.yml
to use namespaced version provide -n/--namespace argument
python -m k8s_collector.collectors.K8SCollector -c/--config config.yml -n second-namespace
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