ktpl 0.0.16

Creator: bradpython12

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ktpl 0.0.16

# ktplUtility to template Kubernetes Resource Definitions using the jinja2 templating engine, then apply or delete the templated resources[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/whereismyjetpack/ktpl.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/whereismyjetpack/ktpl)## Getting Started`pip install git+https://github.com/whereismyjetpack/ktpl.git@master`### Prerequisites`kubectl`### Usage```Usage: ktpl [options] [<folder>...] ktpl [options] [--input-file=<file>]... ktpl [options] [--template-file=<file>]...Options: --delete -d Delete, instead of apply templated manifests --template -t Template manifests, and print to screen --environment -e Consider environment when processing variables --input-file=<file> -i Path to input file(s) to process instead of the defaults --template-file=<file> -t Path to template file(s) to process instead of the defaults```### Directory Structure:```.├── folder-1│   ├── template.yml.tpl│   └── values.yml <- "defaulty" variables for resources in this folder├── folder-2│   ├── template.yml.tpl│   └── values.yml <- "defaulty" variables for resources in this folder├── values.yml <--- global variables used in all resources├── folder-2.yml <--- values that get added only for resources in folder-2├── folder-2-customer-b.yml <--- a second set of values, that will get appied to resources in folder-2├── folder-1.yml <---values that get added only for resources in folder-1└── values.yml.secret <--- global variables, that will be merged with values.yml. good for using `git-crypt` to encrypt only secret portions of your variables```### Variable precidence:{{folder_name}}.yml values.yml {{folder_name}}/values.yml ### Examples:```1.) ktpl- processes folder-1/template.yml.tpl, and folder-2/template.yml.tpl. processes folder-2/template.yml.tpl twice. once with values from folder-2.yml, and once with values from folder-2-customer-b.yml. 2.) ktpl folder-1- processes folder-1/template.yml.tpl with values from values.yml, values.yml.secret, and folder-1.yml. variables from folder-1.yml will override defaulty variables set in values.yml3.) ktpl --template- processes the same as example 1, but prints the template to screen instead of sending to kubectl```


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