ktreediff 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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ktreediff 0.1.0

An utility for comparing files in directories.
Pypi rejected the package name 'treediff' so I had to change package name to 'ktreediff'
but 'treediff' command is available.
How to install
To install just run the following command. There's no external dependencies required.
$ pip install ktreediff

Command line options
usage: $ treediff [options...] <left> <right>
Note: <left> and <right> can be a pair of files or a pair of directories

To compare files in 2 directories dir_a and dir_b
$ treediff dir_a dir_b

To compare files in 2 directories dir_a and dir_b, included subfolders
$ treediff dir_a dir_b --recursive

To compare specific files (*.txt, *.psd) in 2 directories dir_a and dir_b
$ treediff --filter .txt .psd dir_a dir_b

Exit code:
0 : directories or files are the same
1 : directories or files are different
255: an error/exception occured

Utility for comparing directory/file

positional arguments:
left specify left dir/file
right specify right dir/file

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --recursive search file recursively
-q, --quiet be quiet
-f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
file filters separated by space. Ex: -f .psd .txt ...

How to use
To compare 2 directories:
$ treediff dir_a dir_b
dir_a/ != dir_b/
file_1.txt == file_1.txt
file_2.txt == file_2.txt
file_3.txt != file_3.txt
file_4.txt == file_4.txt
file_5.txt != ...
... != file_6.txt
log_1.log == log_1.log
log_2.log == log_2.log
log_5.log == log_5.log
log_6.log != ...
sub_dir/ == sub_dir/

To compare 2 directories included their sub directories: use -r/--recursive option.
$ treediff dir_a dir_b -r
dir_a/ != dir_b/
file_1.txt == file_1.txt
file_2.txt == file_2.txt
file_3.txt != file_3.txt
file_4.txt == file_4.txt
file_5.txt != ...
... != file_6.txt
log_1.log == log_1.log
log_2.log == log_2.log
log_5.log == log_5.log
log_6.log != ...
sub_dir/ != sub_dir/
file1.log == file1.log
file2.log != file2.log
file3.log == file3.log
... != file4.log
file5.log != ...

To compare only *.txt files in 2 directories, use -f/--filter option.
Note: You can specify multiple file types also, for example: -f .txt .log
$ treediff dir_a dir_b -r -f .txt
dir_a/ != dir_b/
file_1.txt == file_1.txt
file_2.txt == file_2.txt
file_3.txt != file_3.txt
file_4.txt == file_4.txt
file_5.txt != ...
... != file_6.txt
sub_dir/ == sub_dir/

Or you can also just compare 2 files
$ treediff dir_a\file_1.txt dir_b\file_1.txt

2 files are identical at binary level

How to build and install locally
To build this project, run the following commands

$ git clone <this_repo_url> <-- clone this project
$ cd treediff <-- move to project directory
$ pip install build <-- install 'build' package, do this only once if not installed
$ python -m build <-- build this project

After build this project, use the following command to install
$ pip install dist\ktreediff-<version>-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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