kube-cli 0.0.7

Creator: bradpython12

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kubecli 0.0.7

Command line interface for Kubernetes that simplifies usage of kubectl.

pip install kube-cli


python 3.6 or higher
kubectl config file in ~/.kube/config

How to use
# show help
kube help

# List all namespaces / pods
kube all ns
kube all pods

# Find namespace / pod
kube find ns <query>
kube find pod <query>

# Operations with namespace
kube <namespace>
kube <namespace> pods

# Scaling deployments
kube <namespace> scale
kube <namespace> scale <deployment>
kube <namespace> scale <deployment> <value>

# Operations with pod
kube <namespace> <pod> logs
kube <namespace> <pod> logs -f
kube <namespace> <pod> bash

Fuzzy search
Fuzzy search is a killing feature that allows to search namespaces and pods by short equivalents.
For example, following commands are equal:
kube 1234 redismetric logs

kube jira-1234 rd-jira-5103-redis-metrics-57dff4f8b7-5c49k logs


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