kubesurveyor 2.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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kubesurveyor 2.0.0

Good enough Kubernetes namespace visualization tool.
No provisioning to a cluster required, only Kubernetes API is scrapped.

sudo apt-get install graphviz
pip install kubesurveyor

Export path to a custom certification authority, if you use one for your Kubernetes cluster API
export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Alternatively, ignore K8S API certificate errors using --insecure or -k
kubesurveyor <namespace> --insecure

Show <namespace> namespace as a dot language graph, using currently active K8S config context
kubesurveyor <namespace>

Specify context to be used, if there are multiple in the K8S config file
kubesurveyor <namespace> --context <context>

Dump crawled namespace data to a YAML format for later processing
kubesurveyor <namespace> --context <context> --save > namespace.yaml

Load from YAML file, show as dot language graph
cat namespace.yaml | kubesurveyor <namespace> --load

Load from YAML file and render as png visualization to a current working directory
cat namespace.yaml | kubesurveyor <namespace> --load --out png

If you want to generate architecture image from dot definition by hand, use dot directly
dot -Tpng k8s.dot > k8s.png


unconnected pods, services are not shown
could have problems with deployments created by Tiller
number of replicas is not tracked


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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