kuma-deployer 0.2.6

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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kumadeployer 0.2.6

In the ancient times of roaming saber tooth tigers and the smog over London
hanging deep there was a time the poor serfs of Kuma had to trudge through
like some Kafkaesque slave of the man. That was then. This is now.
Everything that can be automated in the Kuma deploy process is scripted here.
Limitations and caveats
Hopefully, all temporary limitations and caveats.
There are some things that are hard to do such as pulling information out of Jenkins
since it requires authentication and VPN.
The other thing is that all the current commands are independent and users need to
know which order to run them. Ideally, it should all be wrapped up into one single
command but that's a little bit tricky since it requires waiting and external
Getting started
You'll need a GitHub access token.
Go to github.com/settings/tokens and create a token,
copy and paste it into your .env file or use export. E.g.
cat .env

pip install kuma-deployer
kuma-deployer --help

If you don't use a .env file you can use:
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=a36f6736... kuma-deployer --help

NOTE! The .env file (with the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN) needs to be in the
current working directory. I.e. where you are when you run kuma-deployer. So
not necessarily where your kuma directory is (if these two are different).
The goal is that you simply install this script and type kuma-deploy and sit
back and relax and with a bit of luck MDN is fully upgraded, deployment, and enabled.
Clone this repo then run:
pip install -e ".[dev]"

That should have installed the CLI kuma-deployer
kuma-deployer --help

If you wanna make a PR, make sure it's formatted with black and passes flake8.
You can check that all files are flake8 fine by running:
flake8 deployer

And to check that all files are formatted according to black run:
black --check deployer

All of the code style stuff can be simplified by installing therapist. It should
get installed by default, but setting it up as a git pre-commit hook is optional.
Here's how you set it up once:
therapist install

Now, next time you try to commit a .py file with a black or flake8 violation
it will remind you and block the commit. You can override it like this:
git commit -a -m "I know what I'm doing"

To run all code style and lint checkers you can also use therapist with:
therapist run --use-tracked-files

Some things can't be automatically fixed, but black violations can for example:
therapist run --use-tracked-files --fix

Contributing and using
If you like to use the globally installed executable kuma-deployer but don't want
to depend on a new PyPI release for every change you want to try, use this:
# If you use a virtualenv, deactivate it first
# Use the global pip (or pip3) on your system
pip3 install -e .

If you do this, you can use this repo to install in your system.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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