lackadaisical 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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lackadaisical 1.0.1


adjective: lacking spirit or liveliness.
Lackadaisical is a Python package for keeping an eye on slow code.
To assert that a block of code should execute and return within a number of seconds, use lackadaisical.assert_faster_than as either a decorator or a context manager.
For example, assert_faster_than will raise lackadaisical.TooSlow if this test doesn't finish within 30 seconds of starting:
from lackadaisical import assert_faster_than

def test_my_slow_function() -> None:

In this example, the test's setup is free to take as long as it needs and only the slow function is monitored:
from lackadaisical import assert_faster_than

def test_my_slow_function() -> None:
data = my_slow_preparation()

with assert_faster_than(30):

assert_faster_than will not interrupt your code's execution after its time has elapsed, but lackadaisical.TooSlow will report the difference between the actual and expected execution times to help you diagnose the problem.
Operation took 2.6 seconds (expected 2.0 at most)

Lackadaisical requires Python 3.9 or later and can be installed from PyPI.
pip install lackadaisical

Please submit all your questions, feature requests and bug reports at Thank you!
Lackadaisical is open-source and released under the MIT License.
You don't have to give attribution in your project, but -- as a freelance developer with rent to pay -- I appreciate it!
Hello! 👋 I'm Cariad Eccleston, and I'm a freelance Amazon Web Services architect, DevOps evangelist, CI/CD pipeline engineer and backend developer.
You can find me at, github/cariad, linkedin/cariad and on Mastodon at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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