Landfall 0.3.5 | Product

landfall 0.3.5

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landfall 0.3.5

Landfall: Easy to use functions for plotting geographic data on static maps

What is it?
Landfall is a Python package with easy to use functions for plotting geographic data on a static map.
Where to get it
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:
# PyPI
pip install landfall


py-staticmaps - A python module to create static map images (PNG, SVG) with markers, geodesic lines, etc.
distinctipy - A lightweight package for generating visually distinct colours.

import landfall

lats = [27.88, 27.92, 27.94]
lons = [-82.49, -82.49, -82.46]

landfall.plot_points(lats, lons)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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