languager 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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languager 1.0.0


ISO639 Language Service
This module identifies languages from ISO639-1 and ISO639-3 codes or ISO names and provides a convenient class to access
related attributes. It is also possible to lookup codes for languages based on their ISO names. However, the name based
lookup will be slower as all language names are compared in lowercase for that.
Basic flows:

Code is 2 characters

Lookup long code
Lookup data

Code is 3 characters

Lookup data

Code is something else

Loop all language names to check for match

input_language == language_name.lower()

Lookup data

This means that that Name based lookup is n-times slower than the other two options. But this really should not make a
The data is taken from
and is stored in the tables folder. Further releases will update these tables.
The code in generates a single python file that contains all lookup tables and

code: The ISO639-3 Code
short: ISO639-1 Code if available
deprecated: True if the definition is deprecated
macro: True if this is in a macrolanguage gropup
parent: The parent macrolanguage
macros: Any languages belonging to this macrolanguage

Checking the macrolanguages for Chinese:
from languager import get_language

lang = get_language('zho')
# lang = get_language('zh')
# lang = get_language('Chinese')
# lang = get_language('does not exist', default='zho')

for language in lang.macros:

# czo
# csp
# yue
# cnp
# cmn
# czh
# hak
# nan
# wuu
# cjy
# lzh
# gan
# mnp
# cpx
# hsn
# cdo


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