lanscan 0.9.5

Creator: bradpython12

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lanscan 0.9.5

# lanscan scan
ip name mac alive vendor open ports
======================================================================================================================================================================= 54:a0:50:5b:32:81 True ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. 53, 8443 1c:5a:6b:78:48:52 True Philips Electronics Nederland BV 2323, 8000, 49154 kindle-4bef0bcfc 74:c2:46:12:5b:01 True Amazon Technologies Inc. 5000, 5555, 7000, 7100, 8008 YotaPhone-1b4fe319cb0f71a1 28:c6:71:01:3a:6d True Yota Devices OY
lanscan is a Python 3 module, that provides the lanscan console
command. It scans a given local network and presents all devices on this
network. It also gives information about present network interfaces and
networks. lanscan uses the nmap, tcpdump and ping
$ lanscan
Usage: lanscan [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-d Print debug messages to stdout.
--help Show this message and exit.

interfaces Display a list available interfaces
networks Display a list of available networks.
scan Scan a network, defaults to default network.

Show interfaces
A list of all current interfaces:
$ lanscan interfaces
# interface driver hardware
1 br-e0e27b4e551f
2 docker0
3 enp0s20f0u1u4 r8152 Realtek RTL8152/RTL8153 Based USB Ethernet Adapters
4 lo
5 wlp1s0 iwlwifi Intel(R) Wireless WiFi driver for Linux

Show local networks
A list of all local networks:
$ lanscan networks
# default cidr interface
1 lo
2 docker0
3 br-e0e27b4e551f
4 * enp0s20f0u1u4

Scan a local network
The lanscan scan command has a few parameters:
$ lanscan scan --help
Usage: lanscan scan [OPTIONS]

Scan a network, defaults to default network.

-n, --network TEXT The network to scan in CIDR notation or the
network number from 'lanscan networks'
--vendor / --no-vendor Vendor lookup based on Mac addres. Requires
internet connection.
--portscan / --no-portscan Let nmap do a simple connect-portscan.
--help Show this message and exit.
Let’s scan the default network:
# lanscan scan
ip name mac alive vendor open ports
======================================================================================================================================================================= 54:a0:50:5b:32:81 True ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. 53, 8443 1c:5a:6b:78:48:52 True Philips Electronics Nederland BV 2323, 8000, 49154 kindle-4bef0bcfc 74:c2:46:12:5b:01 True Amazon Technologies Inc. 5000, 5555, 7000, 7100, 8008 YotaPhone-1b4fe319cb0f71a1 28:c6:71:01:3a:6d True Yota Devices OY

lanscan has been written using Python 3.5, so the chances are good,
that Python versions from 3.3 may work. It has been written on linux and
I don’t think, that it will work on Windows or OS X.
Create a virtualenv and call pip install lanscan. The requirements
will automatically be installed within your virtualen. To make calling
easier, create the file /usr/local/bin/lanscan with:
source ${PATH_TO_YOUR_VIRTUALENV}/bin/activate
lanscan $@

Necessary permissions
lanscan needs special permissions, to be able to open a raw socket. You may run it as root - not recommended - or you set the necessary capabilities (man 7 capabilities).
The capability needed is cap_net_raw=eip and this needs to be set on the python interpreter used and the tcpdump binary using setcap. setcap cannot work on
symlinks, so the real binary is needed. setcap needs to be run with superuser privileges:
setcap cap_net_raw=eip /path/to/virtualenv/bin/python3
setcap cap_net_raw=eip $(which tcpdump)
You may need to install the necessary packages. On OpenSuse, the package is called libcap-progs. On Arch, everything should be in place.
The github repository can be found at


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