lasagna-ai 0.8.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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lasagnaai 0.8.1

Lasagna AI

🥞 Layered agents!

Agents for your agents!
Tool-use and layering FTW 💪
Ever wanted a recursive agent? Now you can have one! 🤯
Parallel tool-calling by default.
Fully asyncio.
100% Python type hints.
Functional-style 😎
(optional) Easy & pluggable caching! 🏦

🚣 Streamable!

Event streams for everything.
Asyncio generators are awesome.

🗃️ Easy database integration!

Don't rage when trying to store raw messages and token counts. 😡 🤬
Yes, you can have both streaming and easy database storage.

↔️ Provider/model agnostic and interoperable!

Native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, NVIDIA NIM/NGC (+ more to come).
Message representations are canonized. 😇
Supports vision!
Easily build committees!
Swap providers or models mid-conversation.
Delegate tasks among model providers or model sizes.
Parallelize all the things.

Table of Contents

Used By
Debug Logging
Special Thanks

pip install -U lasagna-ai[openai,anthropic]

If you want to easily run all the ./examples, then you can
install the extra dependencies used by those examples:
pip install -U lasagna-ai[openai,anthropic,example-deps]

Used By
Lasagna is used in production by:

Here is the most simple agent (it doesn't add anything to the underlying model).
More complex agents would add tools and/or use layers of agents, but not this one!
Anyway, run it in your terminal and you can chat interactively with the model. 🤩
(taken from ./examples/
from lasagna import (

from import (

from typing import List, Callable

import asyncio

from dotenv import load_dotenv; load_dotenv()

MODEL_BINDER = bind_model('openai', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125')

async def main() -> None:
system_prompt = "You are grumpy."
tools: List[Callable] = []
my_agent = build_most_simple_agent(tools)
my_bound_agent = MODEL_BINDER(my_agent)
await tui_input_loop(my_bound_agent, system_prompt)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Want to add your first tool? LLMs can't natively do arithmetic
(beyond simple arithmetic with small numbers), so let's give our
model a tool for doing arithmetic! 😎
(full example at ./examples/
import sympy as sp


def evaluate_math_expression(expression: str) -> float:
This tool evaluates a math expression and returns the result.
Pass math expression as a string, for example:
- "3 * 6 + 1"
- "cos(2 * pi / 3) + log(8)"
- "(4.5/2) + (6.3/1.2)"
- ... etc
:param: expression: str: the math expression to evaluate
expr = sp.sympify(expression)
result = cast(float, expr.evalf())
return result


tools: List[Callable] = [
my_agent = build_most_simple_agent(tools)


Simple RAG: Everyone's favorite tool: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Let's GO! 📚💨
See: ./examples/
Debug Logging
This library logs using Python's builtin logging module. It logs mostly to INFO, so here's a snippet of code you can put in your app to see those traces:
import logging

format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

# ... now use Lasagna as you normally would, but you'll see extra log traces!

Special Thanks
Special thanks to those who inspired this library:

Numa Dhamani (buy her book: Introduction to Generative AI)
Dave DeCaprio's voice-stream library

lasagna-ai is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
Joke Acronym
Layered Agents with toolS And aGeNts and Ai


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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