latex-ji18n 0.0.6

Creator: bradpython12

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latexji18n 0.0.6

latex-ji18n (LaTeX + Jinja2 + YAML = i18n)
Set of tools to render LaTeX documents in multiple languages using
Jinja2 Python library and some conventions inspired by
So you have a LaTeX document that you want to internationalize. The first step
is convert your project in a template. Using latex-ji18n command line tool,
you can render YAML files into LaTeX Jinja2 templates.
You need a pdflatex binary available at your system PATH. Then run:
pip install latex-ji18n

Separation of data, style and layout
Next structure of directories is the workflow that imposes this utility
working with it:
├── _config
│   ├── data.yml
│   ├── layout.yml
│   ├── style.yml
│ └── _private (optional)
│ ├── data.yml
│ └── layout.yml
├── dist
│   ├── en.pdf
│ ├── es.pdf
│ └── fr.pdf
├── _i18n
│   ├── _private (optional)
│   │ └── es.yml
│   ├── en.yml
│   ├── es.yml
│   └── fr.yml
└── src
   ├── template.tex
   ├── assets.jpg
└── references.bib

The process is simple, you write your replacements in src/template.tex
Jinja2 template file with \BLOCK{} and \VAR{} syntax, write your
data or options inside _i18n/ and _config/ folders YAML files,
run latex-ji18n to compile the PDFs and you will see each one for each
language in dist/ folder.
Convention for separate data files

_private/: Directories that stores all the sensitive data that you don't
want to include, for example, sharing your repositorie with GIT. This folders
are totally optional. Inside each one, you must keep the same files structure
that in _i18n/ and _config/ directories.
data.yml: Data that you want to include in the context, at the root
of the dictionary, common to all languages. All the fields stored here are
included at the root of the context. You can't include the fields layout
nor style in the root of the context for data files.
layout.yml: Designed to store some layout options for the template. Fields
stored here are available for the context in the layout dictionary.
style.yml: Designed to store style options for the template. Fields
stored here are available for the context in the style dictionary.
_i18n/{language}.yml: Overrides data for the context. Designed to localize
your data output. An output file will be created for every {language}.yml
file, with the name of {language}.pdf.

Context creation
The contexts are created updating a dictionary iterating over files in next


Context data is dumped following next rules:

All the data located in data.yml files is dumped at the root of the
Data located in layout.yml files are dumped into a layout variable
at the root of the context.
Data located in style.yml files are dumped into a style variable
at the root of the context.
If src/ directory contains .bib files, database entries located at this
files will be available ordered by entry type at _bibdb variable at the root
of the context.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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