latexbuild 0.2.2

Creator: bradpython12

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latexbuild 0.2.2

This is a recent effort at writing a very light Latex build wrapper for
Python 3 using Jinja2 templates. It was inspired by the build philosophy
found in . However, the original latex
library made it difficult to do complex, non-pdf builds (such as
compiling to HTML). This repository creates simple components that can
be used to build Latex from Jinja2 templates without losing control of
the lower-level command line tools provided with latex (like pdflatex
and htlatex). The usefulness of the library is split into two

Rendering Jinja2 templates for Latex
Compiling the rendered template with Latex

Currently, the following output formats are supported out of the box:


That said, given the granular control offered by this package, as long
as you stick with formats that are supported by build tools distributed
with texlive, you should be able to easily write your own output format
extensions using this package as a base.

This project is available at and
may be installed with pip. I strongly recommend the usage of a virtual
# Create a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3.4 venv

# Source the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install latexbuild in the virtual environment
pip install latexbuild

Rendering Jinja2 templates for Latex
Latex is a great typesetting engine for large, complex projects.
However, its native build tools lack a straightforward templating engine
where multiple people can collaborate on a similar document. For
example, imagine a scenario where five professors in the same department
need to create a course syllabus. Grading requirements may be
standardized at the department level, which individual lessons are up to
the professors. If course syllabuses were created using Jinja2
templating and Latex, the department could create a base template that
listed the department standards and ask the professors to extend the
base template for each course’s syllabus. That way, the professors need
not worry about cross-course content or department-wide formatting
requirements: these would be handled by the base template.
Assume the department saves the following content in template.tex:
% FILENAME: template.tex

\title{Economics Department: \BLOCK{block title}\BLOCK{endblock}}


\section{Department Introduction}
This is a standard message from the department
that will appear in every syllabus in exactly this place.
Professors shouldn't have to think about this.

\BLOCK{block greatness}\BLOCK{endblock}

\BLOCK{block boredom}\BLOCK{endblock}

Now that the template has been created, the accounting professor can
create his syllabus in the following way:
%- extends "template.tex"

% FILENAME: accounting.tex

%- block title
%- endblock

%- block greatness
This is a great, accounting-specific block
%- endblock

%- block boredom
This is a boring, accounting-specific block
%- endblock
Additionally, the statistics professor can create her syllabus as
%- extends "template.tex"

% FILENAME: statistics.tex

%- block title
Statistics for juggernauts
%- endblock

%- block greatness
This is a great, statistics-specific block
%- endblock

%- block boredom
This is a boring, statistics-specific block
%- endblock
Most Jinja2 templating functionality is supported, using the same syntax
alterations as the latex python package referenced in this README’s
introduction. For example, if you would like to loop over values and
place them in a Latex list, you may use the following code.
This snippet provides an ordered list displaying the
list variable passed from Python:

%- for variable in variable_list
\item \VAR{variable}
%- endfor

Alternatively, this snippet provides an unordered list
displaying the list variable passed from Python:

%- for variable in variable_list
\item \VAR{variable}
%- endfor
This section will continue being updated over time with more examples.

Building Latex Output
For the simplest project, you can build a Jinja2-templated latex source
repository with the following code:
from latexbuild import build_pdf, build_html, build_docx, render_latex_template

PATH_JINJA2 = "/path/to/your/latex/jinja2/root"
PATH_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE_TO_PATH_JINJA2 = "template/filepath.tex"
PATH_OUTPUT_PDF = "/path/to/your/output/directory/MYOUTPUTFILE.pdf"
PATH_OUTPUT_HTML = "/path/to/your/output/directory/MYOUTPUTFILE.html"
PATH_OUTPUT_DOCX = "/path/to/your/output/directory/MYOUTPUTFILE.docx"

# Build Jinja2 template, compile result latex, move compiled file to output path,
# and clean up all intermediate files

# If you just want the rendered template's text in a python variable,
# do the following (assuming you have no variables to pass):

# If your template renders Jinja2 variables, most interfaces provide
# a dictionary parameter. See below for an example for simply
# rendering the template's text in Python
'var1': 'my variable 1 value',
'list_var': ['item 1 for analysis', 'item 2 for analysis']
For more complex builds, the system is designed to accept whatever
command line arguments you wish to use. Please see the source file
latexbuild/ and read the LatexBuild class’s documentation for
more information.

Supported / tested systems
Python 3, Linux

Written by
Samuel Roeca


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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