latexcalc 0.8.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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latexcalc 0.8.1

What is this?
LaTeXcalc is a LaTeX-Calculation-library for python3.
This calculates a mathematical formula written as a LaTeX-string.
It can use a given value-dict for variables in the formula.
The return-value is int or float.
Supported features
LaTeXcalc can handle the following LaTeX-operations:

apply +, -, *, / operators and the - as algebraic sign
multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction
power ^
brackets (), [] and {} (also with \left(..\right))
squareroot \sqrt{}
trigonometric functions like \sin or \arctan (radian measure)
exponential numbers linke 1e+12
\ln (natural log), \log (base 10) and e^
\pi or pi and e as default-values math.pi and math.e
\frac{}{} (works as abbreviated \frac 1 2 as well)

make sure you always use * (or \cdot), because xy != x*y, in that case xy would be a value!
How to use
You can install this by using pip: pip install latexcalc or alternatively by including the folder latexcalc in your python3-project.
Then all you need to do is
import latexcalc

c = latexcalc.calc('\sqrt{3^2+4^2}')
# or with variables:
c = latexcalc.calc('\sqrt(a^2+b^2)', {'a':3,'b':4})
print(c) # 5.0

All testet cases work, but there might still be wrong calculations in
special cases, so test it for your needs!
Anything wrong? Something missing?
Feel free to submit an issue if you find a bug or if you think something important is missing.
Just check out the latest code on GitHub and test your issue as it is done for some cases in the Then please add a Line for the to your report to show the desired operation!
There are some other libraries out there doing similar things, but at time of writing I didn't find anything that fulfilled my needs (lightweight, working with variables, ...).
So depending on your requirements this or maybe something else might be the right choise, thank's for cheching this out!


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