latex2pydata 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

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latex2pydata 0.4.0

latex2pydata - load data from LaTeX in Python literal format
The latex2pydata Python package is designed to load data in
Python literal format
that was saved to file by the
latex2pydata LaTeX package.
This allows data to be passed from LaTeX to
Raw data is loaded with
ast.literal_eval(). This always yields either dict[str,str] or
list[dict[str,str]]. Then data is postprocessed to apply any schemas and to unpack key paths.

The LaTeX package allows schemas to be defined using Python type annotation
syntax. When a schema exists, string values are evaluated with
ast.literal_eval(), and then the data type of each result is checked
against the schema.

All dict keys are required to match the regex [A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*.
Periods in keys are interpreted as key paths and indicate sub-dicts. For
example, the key path main.sub represents a key main in the main dict
that maps to a sub-dict containing a key sub.

Schema support
The current parser for Python type annotation syntax is basic and limits the
supported schema data types:

Nested collection data types are only supported 2 levels deep. So
list[list[int]] is fine, but list[list[list[int]]] is not supported.

Collection union types are not supported. For example, set[int]|list[int]
is not supported. (Scalar union types such as float|int are supported.)

It is possible to work around these limitations by setting
\pydatasetschemamissing{evalany} on the LaTeX side. This causes all values
without a schema definition to be evaluated with ast.literal_eval(), and
skips type checking for values that are not defined in the schema.
Currently, if a key path is used in defining a schema value or setting a
data value, then the same key path must be used in both the schema and the
data. That is, schema validation is currently performed before key path
See the source code and the
latex2pydata LaTeX package
documentation for additional details about schema support.
Keys and key paths
Data is interpreted as Python literals. Thus, there is no checking for
duplicate keys. If a key is defined multiple times, later values replace
earlier values. Similarly, there is no checking for duplicate keys during
key path unpacking.
The package provides two functions for loading data:

load(<filehandle or pathlib.Path>, encoding='utf-8-sig')


Both of these functions takes optional arguments schema: dict[str, str] and
schema_missing: 'error' | 'rawstr' | 'evalany'. If these are provided, they
override any schema settings in the file/string metadata.
The latex2pydata Python package includes tests. Additional tests are part
of the
latex2pydata LaTeX package.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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