lc-django-elasticsearch-dsl 7.1.3

Creator: codyrutscher

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lcdjangoelasticsearchdsl 7.1.3

Django Elasticsearch DSL is a package that allows indexing of django models in elasticsearch.
It is built as a thin wrapper around elasticsearch-dsl-py
so you can use all the features developed by the elasticsearch-dsl-py team.
You can view the full documentation at


Based on elasticsearch-dsl-py so you can make queries with the Search class.
Django signal receivers on save and delete for keeping Elasticsearch in sync.
Management commands for creating, deleting, rebuilding and populating indices.
Elasticsearch auto mapping from django models fields.
Complex field type support (ObjectField, NestedField).
Index fast using parallel indexing.

Django >= 1.11
Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Elasticsearch Compatibility:
The library is compatible with all Elasticsearch versions since 5.x
but you have to use a matching major version:

For Elasticsearch 7.0 and later, use the major version 7 (7.x.y) of the library.
For Elasticsearch 6.0 and later, use the major version 6 (6.x.y) of the library.
For Elasticsearch 5.0 and later, use the major version 0.5 (0.5.x) of the library.

# Elasticsearch 7.x

# Elasticsearch 6.x

# Elasticsearch 5.x


7.1.1 (2019-12-26)

Adding detailed documentation and published to Read The Docs #222
Resolve name resolution while delete, create index (#228)
Added support for Django 3.0. (#230)
Removing old Elasticsearc compatibility (#219)
Drop StringField in favor of TextField.

7.1.0 (2019-10-29)

Support for Django DecimalField #141
Indexing speedup by using parallel indexing. #213.
Now you can pass –parallel or set ELASTICSEARCH_DSL_PARALLEL
in your settings to get indexing speed boost while indexing
through management command.
Fixing name resolution in management command #206
Small documentation fixes. #196

7.0.0 (2019-08-11)

Support Elasticsearch 7.0 (See PR #176)
Added order by to paginate queryset properly (See PR #153)
Remove standard token filter from and test files
Various documentation fixes

6.4.2 (2019-07-26)

Fix document importing path
Update readme

6.4.1 (2019-06-14)

The DocType import has changed to Document

6.4.0 (2019-06-01)

Support elasticsearch-dsl>6.3.0
Class Meta has changed to class Django (See PR #136)
Add register_document decorator to register a document (See PR #136)
Additional Bug fixing and others

0.5.1 (2018-11-07)

Limit elastsearch-dsl to supported versions

0.5.0 (2018-04-22)

Add Support for Elasticsearch 6 thanks to HansAdema

Breaking Change:
Django string fields now point to ES text field by default.
Nothing should change for ES 2.X but if you are using ES 5.X,
you may need to rebuild and/or update some of your documents.

0.4.5 (2018-04-22)

Fix prepare with related models when deleted (See PR #99)
Fix unwanted calls to get_instances_from_related
Fix for empty ArrayField (CBinyenya)
Fix nested OneToOneField when related object doesn’t exist (CBinyenya)
Update elasticsearch-dsl minimal version

0.4.4 (2017-12-13)

Fix to_queryset with es 5.0/5.1

0.4.3 (2017-12-12)

Fix syncing of related objects when deleted
Add django 2.0 support

0.4.2 (2017-11-27)

Convert lazy string to string before serialization
Readme update (arielpontes)

0.4.1 (2017-10-17)

Update example app with get_instances_from_related
Typo/grammar fixes

0.4.0 (2017-10-07)

Add a method on the Search class to return a django queryset from an es result
Add a queryset_pagination option to DocType.Meta for allow the pagination of
big django querysets during the index populating
Remove the call to iterator method for the django queryset
Fix DocType inheritance. The DocType is store in the registry as a class and not anymore as an instance

0.3.0 (2017-10-01)

Add support for resynching ES documents if related models are updated (HansAdema)
Better management for django FileField and ImageField
Fix some errors in the doc (barseghyanartur, diwu1989)

0.2.0 (2017-07-02)

Replace simple model signals with easier to customise signal processors (barseghyanartur)
Add options to disable automatic index refreshes (HansAdema)
Support defining DocType indexes through Meta class (HansAdema)
Add option to set default Index settings through Django config (HansAdema)

0.1.0 (2017-05-26)

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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