leeroy 0.3.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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leeroy 0.3.0

# Leeroy: Jenkins integration with GitHub pull requestsLeeroy is a Python [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org) service whichintegrates Jenkins with GitHub pull requests. Leeroy uses [GitHubhooks](http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/) to listen for pullrequest notifications and starts jobs on your Jenkins server. Using theJenkins [notification plugin][jnp], Leeroy updates the pull request usingGitHub's [status API](http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statuses/)with pending, success, failure, or error statuses.## InstallationInstall the package using pip: You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeGIT_HEAD_REPO.git`. Set "Branch Specifier" to `You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode uwsgi uwsgi.iniEnsure that the GitHub hook has been installed by visiting`https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/admin/hooks` for your project, or bychecking the Leeroy logs.Submit a pull request for one of your watched GitHub repositories. Youshould shortly see a build scheduled for its corresponding Jenkins job.Soon after that, you should see a "pending" status on the pull requestin GitHub. Once the build finishes, you should see either a "success"or "failure" status on your pull request. Congratulations!A `Procfile` is included so you can easily run Leeroy on Heroku.## Cron task to fix missing statusesSometimes Github doesn't fire a hook, or Jenkins forgets to build a job. Youcan take care of this wonderful edge-case by running the following in acron-task: You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode leeroy-retry foo/bar 1234And leeroy will re-test pull request 1234 in the foo/bar## ContributionContributions are welcome! Here's the best way to do that:1. Fork the repo2. Make your changes, preferably in a feature branch on your repo. Don'tforget to update the AUTHORS.md file!3. Submit a pull requestPlease make sure that `python setup.py flake8` does not return any PEP-8 orpyflakes errors before submitting your pull request.## FAQ### Why is this a server instead of a Jenkins plugin?The honest answer is that I spend most of my day developing a Flaskapplication in Python, and that's the environment I have set up, feelvery comfortable in, and where I knew I could get something up andrunning quickly.The delusional answer is that this makes it possible to integrateother CI services fairly easily in the future.### What's with the name Leeroy?[Know your meme.](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/leeroy-jenkins)## Copyright and LicenseLeeroy is Copyright (c) 2012 litl, LLC and licensed under the MIT license.See the LICENSE file for full details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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