leetcodeHelper 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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leetcodeHelper 0.0.1

This project helps you to do leetcode with your preferred IDE or editor with command-line interface (CLI).

Getting Start


Windows 10, MacOS, Linux
chrome version >=90.0.4430

# Prepare your virtual environment
conda create --name [env_name] python=3.9
conda activate [env_name]

# Install this package
pip install leetcodeHelper

# This command helps to load Chrome driver for you
leetcode --init

# This CLI supports querying problems by names
leetcode --name two-sum
leetcode --name add-two-numbers
leetcode --name median-of-two-sorted-arrays

Then question description and starter code will be automatically generated into question-name.py file. Now, you can do leetcode whenever in your preferred IDE.


The part of Chrome driver installation is modified from @peterhudec project.
Also, this project is inspired by @allenyummy's project.

Next release version

Fix the format error in the result file (change line missing).
Crawl by the Number/Tag/Level/Category of the questions.
Post your code back to leetcode platform and check all testcases. Retreive results.
Docker version


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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