lextok 0.0.27

Creator: bradpython12

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lextok 0.0.27


Rule-based tokenizer and pattern matching for basic Philippine entities using spacy.

Should be used in tandem with doclex

poetry env use 3.11.6 # 3.12 not yet supported
poetry install
poetry shell
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm # base model

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # no modifications to the model
doc1 = nlp("Sec. 36(b)(21)")
for token in doc1:
print(f"{token.text=} {token.pos_=} {token.ent_type_=}, {token.i=}")
token.text='Sec' token.pos_='PROPN' token.ent_type_='ORG' token.i=0
token.text='.' token.pos_='PUNCT' token.ent_type_='' token.i=1
token.text='36(b)(21' token.pos_='NUM' token.ent_type_='CARDINAL' token.i=2
token.text=')' token.pos_='PUNCT' token.ent_type_='' token.i=3

from lextok import lextok

lex = lextok() # inclusion of custom tokenizer, attribute and entity ruler
doc2 = lex("Sec. 36(b)(21)")
for token in doc2:
print(f"{token.text=} {token.pos_=} {token.ent_type_=} {token.i=}")
token.text='Sec.' token.pos_='NOUN' token.ent_type_='ProvisionNum' token.i=0
token.text='36(b)(21)' token.pos_='NUM' token.ent_type_='ProvisionNum' token.i=1

Token entities can be merged:
from lextok import lextok

lex = lextok(finalize_entities=True)
doc2 = lex("Sec. 36(b)(21)")
for token in doc2:
print(f"{token.text=} {token.pos_=} {token.ent_type_=} {token.i=}")
token.text='Sec. 36(b)(21)' token.pos_='NUM' token.ent_type_='ProvisionNum' token.i=0

Pattern creation
A pattern consists of a list of tokens, e.g. space space between the word, a dot, and the number?
{"ORTH": {"IN": ["Tit", "Bk", "Ch", "Sub-Chap", "Art", "Sec", "Par", "Sub-Par"]}},
{"ORTH": "."}, # with dot
{"POS": "NUM"},

This is another pattern where the dot is connected to the word:
"ORTH": {
"IN": [
{"POS": "NUM"},
] # no separate dot

There are many variations. It becomes possible to generate a list of patterns algorithmically and save them to a *.jsonl file, e.g.:
from lextok.entity_rules_citeable import statutory_provisions

print(statutory_provisions.patterns) # view patterns
statutory_provisions.create_file() # located in /lextok/rules/ if path not specified

Rules and Labels
Each Rule may consist of many patterns, and this collection of patterns can be associated with a Label.
In spacy parlance, the label represents the ENT_TYPE but for this library's purpose, it's also adopted for non-entities to cater to SpanRuler patterns.
To distinguish labels strictly for entities from labels for non-entities, a collection of labels is defined in SPAN_RULER_LABELS. If not included in this list of labels, then the implication is that the Rule's patterns ought to be governed by the EntityRuler; otherwise, the SpanRuler.
Considering the number of Rules declared (or to be declared), instead of importing each instance individually, these can be extracted dynamically with Rule.extract_from_files().
Existing data structures
from lextok import Label, ENTITY_RULES, SPAN_RULES

for label in Label:
print(label.name) # pattern labels
for e in ENTITY_RULES:
for s in SPAN_RULES:

Add more entity rules
Create a list of Rule objects, e.g.:
from lextok import lextok, Rule, ENTITY_RULES, Label

added_rules = [
{"LOWER": "the", "OP": "?"},
{"LOWER": "ministry"},
{"LOWER": "of"},
{"LOWER": "labor"},
{"LOWER": "test", "OP": "?"},
{"LOWER": "of", "OP": "?"},
{"LOWER": "intermediate"},
{"LOWER": "scrutiny"},
{"LEMMA": {"IN": ["test", "approach"]}, "OP": "?"},

# Include new rules in lextok language
nlp = lextok(finalize_entities=True, entity_rules=ENTITY_RULES + added_rules)

# Test detection
doc = nlp(
"Lorem ipsum, sample text. The Ministry of Labor is a govt division. Hello world. The test of intermediate scrutiny is a constitutional law concept."
doc.ents # (The Ministry of Labor, test of intermediate scrutiny)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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