libqasm 0.6.7

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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libqasm 0.6.7


libQASM is a library to parse programs written in the cQASM quantum programming language, developed by QuTech.
At the moment, libQASM only supports cQASM v3.0 programs.
It performs lexical, syntactic, and semantic analysis of an input program received via a file or a string.
It produces one of the following results:

A syntactic or semantic AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) object. Depending on if we are parsing or analysing.
A list of parsing or analysing errors. In case the input program was malformed.
A JSON representation of either the AST or the list of errors.

It can be used within:

C++ projects (as a Conan package).
Python projects (as a Python package).
Emscripten projects (via a Typescript frontend).

Check out QX simulator
and OpenSquirrel compiler
for an example of use in a C++ and a Python project, respectively.
Getting started
Given a cQASM program example.cq.
version 3.0

qubit[2] q
bit[2] b

H q[0]
CNOT q[0], q[1]
b = measure q

We can parse or analyze this circuit, using libQASM through the following programming language:
#include "v3/cqasm-py.hpp"

int main() {
auto parse_result = V3xAnalyzer::parse_file("example.cq");

auto analyzer = V3xAnalyzer();
auto analysis_result = analyzer.analyze_file("example.cq");

The emscripten API only allows to input a cQASM program as a string.
import { default as wrapper } from 'cqasm_emscripten.mjs';

wrapper().then(function(result: any) {
let analyzer = new result["EmscriptenWrapper"]()
let program = `
version 3
qubit[2] q
bit[2] b
H q[0]
CNOT q[0], q[1]
b = measure q
let output = analyzer.parse_string_to_json(program)
}).catch((error: any) => {
console.error("unhandledRejection", error, "\n");

from libqasm import Analyzer

if __name__ == "__main__":
parse_result = Analyzer.parse_file('example.cq')

analyzer = Analyzer()
analysis_result = analyzer.analyze_file('example.cq')

The libQASM documentation is hosted through GitHub Pages.
libQASM is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See LICENSE for the full license text.
Quantum Inspire:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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