libre 1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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libre 1.2

LIBRE: Libre Information Batch Restructuring Engine

The engine that’s powering the liberation of government data for the island of Puerto Rico.
Created by the Office of the Chief Information Officer of
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Turn this:

Into this!

Query your data afterwards too!




OS dependencies
LIBRE supports Spatial queries
as such is dependant on several libraries that are installed at the OS level.
If using Ubuntu Linux install the required libraries with:
$ sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev -y
On OSX using MacPorts:
$ sudo port install geos
$ sudo port install gdal
Proceed to install the actual files of LIBRE:

Using pip
Via pip Python packager installer
$ pip install libre
$ syncdb --migrate
$ cat <<'EOF' >
$ runserver --pythonpath=.

From GitHub
By cloning the code from the GitHub repository:
$ git clone
$ cd libre
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r libre/requirements.txt
$ ./ syncdb --migrate
$ cat <<'EOF' >
$ ./ runserver

Docker container
Or by using Yamir Encarnacion’s Docker container:
Use this to build a new image, tagged for easier reuse
$ sudo docker build -t yencarnacion/libre-docker
Running the container
$ sudo docker run -d -p 8000:8000 yencarnacion/libre-docker
The default username and password for the Docker image are:
Username: admin | Password: libre
Once up and running go to <your ip>:8000 in your browser to use LIBRE.

Release History

1.2.0 (2013-12-15)

Fixed WebService and REST API origin data copying
Add support for storing the total number of elements imported by each source data version
Add parameters support to the REST API origin
PEP8 cleanups
Datagrid renderer
Allow data preview in the dataset detail view

1.1.0 (2013-12-13)

New frontend for non technical users, dataset browser, dataset showcase
Support for boolean values to LQL
Support for clustering map features
Fix handling of dates as key when using _as_dict_list
Increased required version of Fiona to 1.0.2
Updated Leaflet version used to 0.7
Added boolean values support to LQL
Added Leaflet marker clustering plugin support
Optimize Leaflet’s marker’s use by encode markers as base64 PNG images and embedding them in the renderer’s HTML output
Menu reorganization and cleanup
Add support to add an image to a source dataset
Documentation updates
Update required version of djangorestframework
Origins module now copies local files in chunks and streams remote HTTP files improving memory usage during imports

1.0.0 (2013-11-26)

Accepted: Added Command Line Interface (CLI) for update_admin_user (#10)
Accepted: Added Pre-Installation Steps necessary to run on OSX (#9)
Closed: Added missing docutils requirement (#8)
Closed: Missing dependency on requirements (#4)
Closed: inotify is not available on macosx-10.8-intel (#2)
Accepted: Add slugify method for automatic slugs (#1)
Fix CSV source issues with CSV file encodings (utf-8, iso-8859-1) by allowing users to specify the file encoding.
Increased required version to Django to 1.5.5
Add scheduling support to Sources
Reduce the data source origin data check resolution to 45 seconds
Fail gracefully when GIS features have no bounds
Add new PythonScript origin

LIBRE is written and maintained by Roberto Rosario and various contributors:

Development Lead

Roberto Rosario <> []


Axel Rivera <> []
Yamir Encarnación <> []

Ideas and Suggestions

Andres Colón <>

Bug reports

Carlos Feliciano <>
Soynerdito []
Rafael Arce []


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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