libyare 0.4.3

Creator: bradpython12

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libyare 0.4.3

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libyare - LIBrary for YARE (Yet Another Regular Expression) pattern match



1. Installation
2. Help
3. Introduction
4. String Patterns
5. Charset Patterns
6. Numeric Patterns
7. TGMK Literals
8. Compound Patterns
9. Three Flavors
10. Exceptions
11. History


From terminal type:

$ pip3 install libyare


From terminal type:

$ pydoc libyare

or, from a Python IDE:

>>> import libyare
>>> help(libyare)


"YARE" (Yet Another Regular Expression) is a regular expression format aimed to be more
readable (even at the cost of being less powerful) than standard regular expressions.

A "pattern" can be:

• a "simple pattern", which can be:
• a "string pattern", a classic Unix shell style pattern
• a "charset pattern", made by:
• a backquote '`'
• a single-char classic Unix shell style pattern
• a "numeric pattern", made by:
• a comparison operator '=' '>' '<' '>=' '<=' or '<>'
• an integer (or TGMK, see later) literal
• a "compound pattern", made combining simple patterns by logical operators '^' '&'
and ',' and by parentheses '(' and ')'

"Metacharacters" are:

• '*' '?' '[' and ']', used in string patterns, out of '[...]'
• '!' and '-', used in string patterns, between '[' and ']'
• '`' backquote, used at beginning of charset patterns
• '^' (not) '&' (and) and ',' (or) logical operators in compound patterns
• '(' and ')' parenthesis altering precedence between logical operators in compound


A "string pattern" is a classic Unix shell style patterns, without extensions introduced
by bash shell, so, for instance, curly braces '{' and '}' have no special meaning.

• pattern '*' matches any string
• pattern '?' matches any single char
• pattern '[ab]' matches 'a' or 'b'
• pattern '[!a]' matches any single char except 'a' or 'b'
• pattern '[a-z]' matches any single char between 'a' and 'z'
• pattern '[!a-z]' matches any single char not between 'a' and 'z'
• pattern '[a-z0-9_]' matches any single char between 'a' and 'z' or between '0' and
'9' or equal to '_'
• pattern '[!a-z0-9_]' matches any single char not between 'a' and 'z' and not
between '0' and '9' and not equal to '_'

For further details, look for instance at the Python3 documentation about fnmatch module.

If a metacharacter must belong to a simple string pattern then it must be quoted by '['
and ']', more exactly:

• '*' '?' '[' '^' '&' ',' '(' and ')' must always be quoted
• '!' and '-' if not between '[' and ']' have no special meaning and don't need to be
• '`' needs to be quoted only in first position inside the simple string pattern in
order to avoid confusion with charset pattern
• '<' '=' and '>' need to be quoted only in first position inside the simple string
pattern in order to avoid confusion with numeric pattern
• ']' only can't be quoted, but you shouldn't need it because an unmatched ']' has no
special meaning and doesn't raise a syntax error, as unmatched '[' '(' and ')' do

Some example:

• pattern '[(]*[)]' matches any string starting with '(' and ending with ')'
• pattern '[[]*]' matches any string starting with '[' and ending with ']'
• patterns '[`]*`' and '[`]*[`]' both match any string starting and ending with '`'
• patterns '[<]*>' and '[<]*[>]' both match any string starting with '<' and ending
with '>'

You can quote metacharacter '!' too, but not immediately after '['.

• pattern '[?!]' matches '?' and '!' only
• pattern '[!?]' matches any character except '?'

You can quote '-' too, but immediately after '[' or before ']' only, otherwise it's a
metacharacter denoting a character interval:

• patterns '[-pr]' and '[pr-]' match '-' 'p' and 'r'
• pattern '[p-r]' matches 'p' 'q' and 'r'

But '-' stands for itself even after a character interval:

• pattern '[p-r-x]' matches 'p' 'q' 'r' '-' and 'x'
• pattern '[p-r-x-z]' matches 'p' 'q' 'r' '-' 'x' 'y' and 'z'

Descending character intervals are not allowed:

• pattern '[z-a]' raises a syntax error

They are only two differences between patterns defined by fnmatch()/fnmatchcase()
functions in Python3 fnmatch module and patterns accepted by YARE:

• unmatched '[' (as in pattern 'abc[def') is allowed by fnmatch but is rejected by
YARE as a syntax error
• null pattern '' is allowed by fnmatch but is rejected by YARE as a syntax error
(see in paragraph 5. COMPOUND PATTERNS for a workaround to match a null string by a
not null pattern)

Simple string patterns can be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, depending on which
match function you use, see paragraph 6. THREE FLAVOURS.


A "charset pattern" contains:

• a backquote '`'
• a single-char classic Unix shell style pattern

A charset pattern matches a string if all chars in string match single-char classic Unix
shell style pattern.


• '`[a-z0-9]' matches any string made of zero or more underscore alphabetic or
numeric characters

Charset patterns are always case-sensitive.


A "numeric pattern" is made by:

• a comparison operator (among '=' '<>' '<' '<=' '>' and '>=')
• an integer literal (or a TGMK literal, see next paragraph)

No other comparison operator (as '==' '!=' '><' '!<' or '!>') is allowed.

• pattern '=x' matches any string whose numeric value is equal to x
• pattern '<>x' matches any string whose numeric value is not equal to x
• pattern '<x' matches any string whose numeric value is less than x
• pattern '<=x' matches any string whose numeric value is less than or equal to x
• pattern '>x' matches any string whose numeric value is greater than x
• pattern '>=x' matches any string whose numeric value is greater than or equal to x

where x is any integer literal (or TGMK literal, see next paragraph), so for instance
patterns '>=1024&<2048' and '>=1k&<2k' are equivalent and both match:

• '1024', '1025' ... '2047', but also:
• '1K', '1k1' ... '1k1023'

Numeric patterns are always case-insensitive,


"TGMK" (Tebi-Gibi-Mebi-Kibi) is a human-readable lossless case-insensitive 1024-base
integer representation, suitable for bits and bytes.

A "TGMK literal" is a string containing:

• zero or more leading blanks
• an optional ('+' or '-') "sign"
• one or more "1024-base-digits", each made by:
• a "mantissa", a string of one or more decimal digits, representing an unsigned
decimal integer constant, as '0', '1' or '100000'.
• a "characteristic", a letter in 'KMGTPEZY' (or 'kmgtpezy', case has no meaning)
• zero or more trailing blanks

Only last (rightmost) 1024-base-digit can lack characteristic, meaning unities.

Characteristic letters have the following well-known meanings:

║'K' │kibi- │Kib │KiB │10.0│ 3.010299956639812│ 1.0│ 1024║
║'M' │mebi- │Mib │MiB │20.0│ 6.020599913279624│ 2.0│ 1048576║
║'G' │gibi- │Gib │GiB │30.0│ 9.030899869919436│ 3.0│ 1073741824║
║'T' │tebi- │Tib │TiB │40.0│12.041199826559248│ 4.0│ 1099511627776║
║'P' │pebi- │Pib │PiB │50.0│ 15.05149978319906│ 5.0│ 1125899906842624║
║'E' │exbi- │Eib │EiB │60.0│ 18.06179973983887│ 6.0│ 1152921504606846976║
║'Z' │zebi- │Zib │ZiB │70.0│21.072099696478684│ 7.0│ 1180591620717411303424║
║'Y' │yobi- │Yib │YiB │80.0│24.082399653118497│ 8.0│1208925819614629174706176║

Characteristic letters must appear left to right in strictly decreasing value order:

• '3m5k7' is ok, its value is 3 * 1024 ** 2 + 5 * 1024 + 7 == 3150855
• '5k3m7' is wrong
• '5k3k7' is wrong too

In mantissas one or more leading zeros are allowed, while commas are not:

• '04096m' is ok
• '4,096m' is wrong

For further details, see

TGMK literals are always case-insensitive, so YARE numeric patterns are too.


In the following examples, p and q are two simple patterns.

A "compound pattern" is built aggregating simple patterns by logic operators '^' (not),
'&' (and) and ',' (or) and parenthesis '(' and ')':

• pattern '^p' matches any string not matching pattern p
• pattern 'p&q' matches any string matching both pattern p and pattern q
• pattern 'p,q' matches any string matching pattern p or pattern q (or both)

Two '^' characters cancel each other out:

• pattern '^^*z' matches any string ending with 'z'

Precedence is of course '^' > '&' > ',':

• pattern '??,^s*&*t' matches any 2-chars string, or any string not starting with 's'
and ending with 't'
• pattern '>=10&<13,>20&<=23' matches any int (or TGMK) string worth 10 11 12 21 22
or 23

But precedence can be forced by parenthesis '(' and ')': so for instance, let p and q be
two simple patterns, then De Morgan's laws tell us that:

• patterns '^p&^q' and '^(p,q)' are equivalent
• patterns '^p,^q' and '^(p&q)' are equivalent

As said before, a null pattern '' is not allowed, but if you need to match a null string,
then you can use a workaround:

• pattern '?*' matches everything, except the null string, so...
• pattern '^?*' matches the null string, and nothing else

Be careful using '^' operator with charset patterns, for instance the following four
patterns have four distict meanings:

• '`[0-9]' matches strings containing numeric chars only, hence containing:
• zero or more numeric chars
• zero not numeric chars
• '`[!0-9]' matches strings containing not numeric chars only, hence containing:
• zero numeric chars
• zero or more not numeric chars
• '^`[0-9]' matches strings not containing numeric chars only, hence containing:
• zero or more numeric chars
• one or more not numeric chars
• '^`[!0-9]' matches strings not containing not numeric chars only, hence containing:
• one or more numeric chars
• zero or more not numeric chars


YARE match comes in three flavours:

• csmatch(string, pattern, case='s') # case-sensitive match
• cimatch(string, pattern, case='i') # case-insensitive match
• cxmatch(string, pattern, case='d') # case-mixed match

Of course csmatch(string, pattern, case='i') is equivalent to cimatch(string, pattern),
and so on.

In case-mixed match any simple string pattern can be case-sensitive or case-insensitive,
depending on its content:

• if the simple pattern contains one or more lowercase letters then match is
• otherwise the match is case-insensitive


• pattern 'RAM,?*.db' matches 'ram', 'Ram', 'RAM' or 'xyz.db', but not 'xyz.Db'

A lowercase letter is any letter having a distinct corresponding uppercase letter, so for
instance 'å' is said to be a lowercase letter because 'å'.upper() == 'Å' != 'å'.

The three flavors only have to do with string patterns because, as said before, charset
patterns are always case-sensitive, and numeric patterns are always case-insensitive.


• SyntaxError if pattern is not well-formed
• ValueError if an incorrect TGMK literal is found in pattern
• ValueError if case is not 's' 'i' or 'x'

Note that if an incorrect TGMK literal is found in string to be matched, then no
exception is raised, but the match returns with a result of False, for example:

>>> csmatch('3.14', '>3&<4')

because '3.14' contains a dot, so it's not a correct TGMK literal.


• 0.4.3
• updated: documentation

• 0.4.2
• updated: documentation

• 0.4.1
• first version published on


cimatch(string, pattern, case='i')
case-insensitive YARE match

csmatch(string, pattern, case='s')
case-sensitive YARE match

cxmatch(string, pattern, case='x')
case-mixed YARE match

__all__ = ['csmatch', 'cimatch', 'cxmatch']




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