lightweight-versioned-gitlab-pages 0.3.2

Creator: rpa-with-ash

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lightweightversionedgitlabpages 0.3.2

Lightweight Versioned GitLab Pages

Generate index page with links to all previously archived folders during a tag
This repo developed in and mirrored from GitLab brainelectronics.
Please raise your issues and submit your pull requests/merge requests there.

pip install lightweight-versioned-gitlab-pages

📚 The latest documentation is available at

Lightweight versioned GitLab Pages GitLab Pages
Lightweight versioned GitLab Pages ReadTheDocs

GitLab offers the possibility to create or place a folder named public in the
root of the repo. The contents of this folder are then displayed by
GitLab pages and is
accessible from outside the repo via a custom URL.
For this package, the URL is
This is also the location of the (latest) documentation for this package.
Since only only one "thing" can be displayed there, usually only the most
recent content is available at this URL. This is where this package is supposed to help.
It is assumed that only tagged states of the documentation or other content
will be displayed on the GitLab Pages web page, see also chapter Limitations.
For interaction with GitLab the
python-gitlab package is
A unique project ID must be specified with --project-id.
This ID can be found at the top of each repo. For this repository it is
The second mandatory parameter is --job-name. This is the name of the job
that generates, for example, the documentation or other content that will be
displayed via the GitLab pages web page.
The generated index.html is placed in a folder named public. By default
this folder is created in the same directory from which this script is called.
A different destination folder can be specified with --output-dir. The folder
does not have to exist, it and its possibly needed parent directories will be
created if necessary.
If a self-hosted GitLab is used, the URL to the instance can be specified with
--url to not restrict this package to only.
In case the CICD artifacts are not publicly available, the script requires an
API token to make all requests through the API. This token must then be
specified via the --private-token argument. The token can be generated via
Settings -> Access Tokens and requires api scope.
generate-versioned-pages --help

Generate lightweight versioned pages
The following command will create a folder named public at the current
location and place an index HTML file inside.
This index file contains a simple list of
Bootstrap cards
with all previously built tags and the URL to the public pages archive files.
generate-versioned-pages \
--project-id 43170198 \
--job-name pages

Then use this generated folder in the pages job. The job configuration in the
file .gitlab-ci.yml can look like the following example and is used in that
way for this package.
stage: deploy
- pip install lightweight-versioned-gitlab-pages
- generate-versioned-pages
--project-id ${CI_PROJECT_ID}
--job-name generate-docs
expire_in: never
- public
- main

How it works
First, the available tags of the repo are requested/gathered by the
function. For each tag, the corresponding pipeline job is requested based on
the provided job-name argument. The job status must be successful to avoid
erroneous or currently generated artifacts. For each job, the URL to the index
file of the public folder is generated, see
The generated list of
TagInfos will then be
used to create a simple index.html file inside a generated public folder,
unless it is to be generated elsewhere.
The template is rendered with Jinja2.
Advanced Usage
Custom index file
To allow users the usage of a different style index file, the --template-file
is there to help.
By default the index template file delivered with this package is used for
rendering. A list of
TagInfos and the base
URL of tags (tag_base_url) is handed over to the Jinj2 render function.
The following informations are availabe for individual usage:


URL to the project tags, e.g.

List of TagInfo elements

Each TagInfo element
contains the following fields


GitLab ProjectTag

GitLab ProjectCommit

Datetime object with the datetime of the tag creation

ID of the Job created the tag

Full URL to the generated public index file of the job

List[Dict[str, int]]
List of pipeline IDs which ran during the job

Custom output directory
Save the rendered index file to a different folder than the default public
folder in the directory where the script is executed.
generate-versioned-pages \
--project-id 43170198 \
--job-name pages \
--output-dir somewhere/else

The folder and it's may required parent directories are automatically
generated. The output file name is fixed as index.html
Version info file
To get more informations about the used tags, the --create-version-info-file
argument can be used. This will generate a versions.json file in the output
directory containing all
GitLab ProjectTag
and GitLab ProjectCommit
attributes, the Job ID and the Pages URL.

Only links to tagged and archived data of public folders are included in
the index
Job artifacts must be publicly accessible if no API token is used

Make sure that CI/CD is activated and set to Everyone With Access at
Settings -> General -> Visibility


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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