line-profiler-extended 0.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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lineprofilerextended 0.0.3


Inherits awesome rkern's line-profiler and adds some useful features.
pip install line-profiler-extended

Using the API
from line_profiler_extended import LineProfilerExtended

def foo():

# profile the foo function
profiler = LineProfilerExtended(foo)

# profile all functions from some_module
import some_module
profiler = LineProfilerExtended(some_module)

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively
# starting from the grandparent directory of the current file
from pathlib import Path
profiler = LineProfilerExtended(Path(__file__).parent.parent)

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively in "path",
# reporting only functions that took at least 1 millisecond
profiler = LineProfilerExtended("path", eps=0.001)

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively in "path" with "m" in module name but without "mm"
profiler = LineProfilerExtended("path", include_regex="m", exclude_regex="mm")

# all types of locations can be combined
profiler = LineProfilerExtended(
Path("/some/path"), "path", some_module, foo,
eps=0.001, include_regex="m", exclude_regex="mm"


Usage with IPython
%load_ext line_profiler_extended

# profile the foo function
%lpext -p foo foo()

# profile all functions from some_module
%lpext -p some_module foo()

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively in some path
from pathlib import Path
%lpext -p Path("/some/path") foo()

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively in "path",
# reporting only functions that took at least 1 millisecond
%lpext -p "path" --eps 0.001 foo()

# profile all functions from all modules found recursively in "path" with "m" in module name but without "mm"
%lpext -p "path" --include "m" --exclude "mm" foo()

# all types of locations can be combined
%lpext -p Path(__file__).parent.parent -p "path" -p some_module -p foo --eps 0.001 --include "m" --exclude "mm" foo()

Usage with pytest
import pytest
from pathlib import Path

# all args are passed directly to the LineProfilerExtended constructor
@pytest.mark.line_profile.with_args(Path(__file__).parent.parent, eps=0.01)
def test_foo():


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pre-commit install -t pre-push

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