linkhub-prometheus-exporter 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

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linkhubprometheusexporter 0.4.0

Linkhub Exporter
A Prometheus exporter for Alcatel Linkhub boxes.
Tested with an Alcatel HH41 4G LTE hotspot WiFi router.

Install Poetry for you system (need >=1.2.0b1 currently if using
the dynamic versioning, and have to add the relevant plugin with
poetry plugin add poetry-dynamic-versioning-plugin). Then install the
package with:
poetry install

You'll need a Request Key to run exporter, which is derived from the
login password of router box admin interface. See below how to
obtain it.
Once you have a key, you can set it in multiple ways:

In .secrets.toml, see the template shipped at secrets.toml.template
for the format (note the . for the non-template filename), OR
Set an environment variable LINKHUB_REQUEST_KEY with the value, e.g.
export LINKHUB_REQUEST_KEY=... in your shell where ... is replaced with
the actual value.

Then start up the exporter:
poetry run exporter

Running in Docker
Build the image with the included Dockerfile from the cloned repository,
let's say:
docker build -t linkhub_exporter

and then run the resulting image as:
docker run -ti --rm -e "LINKHUB_REQUEST_KEY=...." -p 9877:9877 linkhub_exporter

which exposes the Prometheus metrics on http://localhost:9877. Don't forget
to set the LINKHUB_REQUEST_KEY value, or add it in an .env file and
run things as:
docker run -ti --rm --env-file .env -p 9877:9877 linkhub_exporter

Running in Docker Compose
You can add this exporter as a container in your docker-compose.yml, along
similar lines (other container configuration has been snip'd):
image: imrehg/linkhub_prometheus_exporter
restart: always
- "9877:9877"
- .env

The LINKHUB_REQUEST_KEY value should be set in the .env file (or wherever
you will keep the configuration for this particular service). You can comment
out the ports section if you don't want to view the results outside of the
docker compose run services. You might want to add network field if you
are running things within a custom network.
Finally, you probably want to set an explicit tag for the image value.
Setting up task in Prometheus
The setup in Prometheus is pretty straightforward, using the relevant IP/port
combo. If the server is run manually or through Docker on its own, use the machine's
IP that's running it, and the port that is set in the config. If docker compose
is used, the can use the service name to connect to it automatically, say like this:
- job_name: 'linkhub'
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['linkhub:9877']

(The other parts of the Prometheus configuration are omitted.)
Getting the request key
Currently the easiest way to get it is to:

Open a browser and navigate to your router admin interface
Open the debug console, and ensure that network requests are logged there
Log in to the admin interface
Check requests going to webapi, look for the requests headers, and the
value of the _TclRequestVerificationKey is what you should use for the
request key setting of this exporter.

Showing the metrics in Grafana
An example Grafana dashboard
setup is provided in the extra folder.

Copyright 2022 Gergely Imreh
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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