lino-avanti 24.9.1

Creator: railscoder56

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linoavanti 24.9.1

Lino Avanti is a free Lino
application used by social workers in East Belgium for helping
immigrants with their integration course.
The integration course is a Belgian administrative procedure
consisting in an individual mentoring and a series of courses with the
goal of helping new residents to acquire the base knowledge about
society and social relations in Belgium in order to ease their
integration on the territory. Read more about the procedure in
Parcours d’intégration des primo-arrivants
(French) or Integrationsparcours: Der Einstiegsweg für Migranten
Lino Avanti is being developed by order of Ministerium der
Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (Ministery of
the German-speaking Community of Belgium).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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