lintswitch 2.3.5

Creator: bradpython12

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lintswitch 2.3.5

*lintswitch* runs pylint, pep8 and pymetrics on your Python code, and jshint on your JS code, in the background.You must tell lintswitch which files to lint. A **vim** plugin is included, in the contrib directory, which calls lintswitch every time you save a file.With lintswitch, your code is constantly being watched and linted in the background, without interrupting your workflow. You view the results in a browser.Linters and file types currently supported: - Python: pylint, pep8, pymetrics - Javascript: jshintlintswitch has only been tested on Ubuntu, but in theory should work anywhere Python does, as long as you install the linters.# Installation git clone git:// cd lintswitch sudo installThen copy: _contrib/lintswitch.vim_ to _~/.vim/plugin/_.**Dependencies** sudo apt-get install pymetrics sudo pip install pylint sudo pip install pep8Note that 'pymetrics' in pypi (pip) is a different project, and won't work with lintswitch.For **jshint**:- install nodejs: ``- install jshint: `npm install jshint -g`**lintswitch** will search your system path and virtualenv bin to find those dependencies.All depencies are optional - if a linter is absent it will simply be ignored.# OutputBrowse to _localhost:8008_ to view the output. Leave that window open whilst you work - it will auto-update to always display results for the file you just saved (server-sent events!).If you have Chrome, and click 'Enable Notifications' in the top right of the window, errors will be displaying using desktop notifications.# DaemonizeIn case you find lintswitch so awesome that you want to run it all the time, an [upstart]( is included. Copy `contrib/lintswitch.conf` as `/etc/init/lintswitch.conf`, and replace my username / group with yours.That script will start lintswitch on boot. You can also manage it manually: `sudo [start|stop|restart|status] lintswitch`# ConfigurationAll the configuration options are command line switches. See `lintswitch --help` for details.# Not using vim?To use lintswitch from other editors, you need to connect to a socket and send the filename. In Python, that looks like this: import socket s = socket.create_connection(('', 4008), 2) s.send('%s\n' % full_path_of_file_you_want_to_lint) s.close()If you write a plugin for another editor, please send it my way and I will include it in _contrib_.## Virtualenv awareIf the file being checked is in a virtualenv, lintswitch will also look for the checkers in the virtualenv's bin directory.## pylint noteslintswitch will change into the root of your project before running pylint, and use a .pylintrc file if there is one there. The root of your project is determined to be the first directory that does not contain an file, i.e. the first directory that is not a python module.## ContributeI'd love to add linters for other languages, so if you do that locally, please send it my way. Thanks!


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